[HowTo] Register and use two remote controllers at the same time

  • Amlogic supports the second remote and use them at the same time, but LibreELEC ignores the remotesecond.conf file in the .config folder.

    Here is the hack:


    I have Mini MX-G box running kszaq's build. The stock remote works fine, as well as my LG TV remote via CEC.

    One small issue was, in my case, some buttons on the TV's remote are not recognized such as, Red, Green, Yellow and Blue, also some of those most used keys (ContextMenu, Codec etc.) are not available there.

    I can remap my TV's remote with a new remote.conf (many posts for that) and it works alone nicely, but the stock remote no longer works with this setup.

    What I would like is that both remote controllers work at the same time.Using two remote controllers at the same time


    After checked AmLogic's remote config document and I found this option:

    factory_infcode = 1

    According to the document, the 2nd config file should be named as remotesecond.conf, and with factory_infcode=1 in it.
    I modified my TV's remote config file, name it to remotesecond.conf and put it into /storage/.config, reboot the box ...
    No, it doesn't work. LibreELEC simply ignores the file.

    Interestingly, after I manually run 'remotecfg remotesecond.conf', both remotes work beautifully. Great!

    So I just put the command into autostart.sh, reboot box, boom everything works. Make sure your autostart.sh is executable.

    (/usr/bin/remotecfg /storage/.config/remotesecond.conf)&

    Edited once, last by mickr (February 18, 2017 at 11:45 PM).

  • Nice find! I will look into integrating this into remote config loading script.

    Thanks kszaq, that would be great!
    This is my LGTV remotesecond.conf file:

    This is used as CEC enabled. It only remapped few buttons since most of them already works through CEC.
    - Exit now is mapped as 'Home', it was acting the same as 'Return'
    - Red is assigned as 'ContextMenu'
    - Green is 'o' to bring up codec when play videos
    - Yellow now can take screenshot which is saved in /storage/screenshots
    - Blue is 'L' to switch 'Subtitles'

    Edited once, last by mickr (February 19, 2017 at 8:47 PM).

  • I checked for the file and it's not there so I went ahead and followed the instructions. Not easy but I am proud to say I did it!!!!!!!

    Now on to final configuration of the Harmony.
    I need my OEM remote remote.conf and I cant find one that works. Fortunately, the standard kszaq 905X build works perfectly out of the box. Where can I find that keymap and convert it into a remote.conf?

    Edited once, last by Skripo (March 17, 2017 at 4:59 AM).

  • Edited once, last by gor (March 27, 2017 at 12:21 PM).

  • Hi,

    I know it's an old thread but I have not found a way to write direct mail to the topic starter.

    Looks like I have similar issue with LG TV 2014 (+ regular IR remote from LG) with turned ON HDMI CEC and MIBOX tv box.

    I've tried to repeat all the steps but I can't get positive result.

    I don't know why but it looks when I run remotecfg ... additional colored buttons on the LG remote don't start working.

    Do you happen to have any idea how to check what's going on?

    I've tested (but getting raw HDMI CEC codes) that the colored buttons work and send the codes in HDMI CEC mode to Android (ATV 7.1.2).

    I just don't know how to make them work from Android side :)