Sx05RE v1.8.6 Emulationstation+Lakka+Kodi

  • @chataigne73

    I have same error when I try to compile. I use Ubuntu 14.04.5 !!

    For @niabi wich distro of linux do you use?

    hello chuneault

    try this : modify the of retroarch-assests, for example just add a space at the end onf the package description like that

    PKG_LONGDESC="RetroArch assets. Background and icon themes for the menu drivers. "

    save, and launch compile again ..


  • thanks for the reply ssc_jarod - I have like 200 files in each folder - fba, cps1, cps2, cps3, mame, arcade etc. none of those systems show up in ES. other systems like megadrive, nes, snes etc. do and they also have files in them.

    Have you checked the es_systems.cfg? And if the system has the correct path? Here is a demo snipped of mine config so i remember here on work at the moment ;) :




    <fullname>Sega Dreamcast</fullname>

    <path>/var/media/usb/roms/dreamcast</path> <- i have my roms on a usb drive (normaly here stays "/storage/roms/dreamcast")

    <extension>.cdi .gdi</extension> <- have you all extensions correct here (e.g. mame there must be .zip)

    <command>here stays the commando to start the roms</command> <- this command must at your current config correct filled





    Hope this helps a little. Greetz, J.

    PS: if this is your error, here is site that makes you the config, but you must also enter the correct <command> to start the roms!

    Emulationstation Systems Generator

  • I will take a look at this, but at the moment I will not be home for a few days so I can't do anything until u get back.

  • hi all,

    ok looking in my DEFAULT es_systems.cfg from niabi's 1.7 install, the first 4 systems are (and I have made some comments with ### around them):




    <fullname>Final Burn Alpha</fullname>


    <extension>.ZIP .iso .ISO</extension> ### should have .zip in there are well ###

    <command>/usr/bin/retroarch -L /tmp/cores/ %ROM%</command>


    <theme>arcade</theme> ### shouldn't this be fba instead of arcade? ###






    <extension>.ZIP .iso .ISO</extension> ### should also have .zip in here ###

    <command>/usr/bin/retroarch -L /tmp/cores/ %ROM%</command>








    <extension>.zip .ZIP .chd .CHD .7z .7Z</extension>

    <command>/usr/bin/retroarch -L /tmp/cores/ %ROM%</command>








    <extension>.zip .ZIP .chd .CHD .7z .7Z</extension>

    <command>/usr/bin/ %ROM%</command>


    ### missing <theme>mame</theme> ? ###


  • so.. after I made the changes listed above I can FINALLY see MAME roms ie: adding .zip to the extension list for both MAME entries in es_systems.cfg

    I cannot see anything for FBA, or NEOGEO and there aren't even any extries for arcade, CPS1, CPS2, CPS3 in the es_systems.cfg file - can someone please help me out with the commands etc. needed on S905 to launch the, (plenty of info for raspberrypi - but those scripts don't help me at all).

    Then it would appear the last issue I have is my joystick not being detected/ responding once I start a game - the joypad works fine changing menus and selecting games etc. in ES, but once I boot a game.. the joystick does nothing and I have to power my media box off to exit the game.

    I am using a PS4 joypad connected via USB cable.

    Thank you.

  • here is my es_systems.cfg - maybe you can some lines copy and paste to make yours work ... or you take this and change only the path to the roms. Hope thats helps.



  • here is my es_systems.cfg - maybe you can some lines copy and paste to make yours work ... or you take this and change only the path to the roms. Hope thats helps.



    Many thanks SSC_Jarod - NEO GEO is now showing up thanks to your help!

    I've done some more editing and added in entries so I can also have the ''groupings'' of CPS1, CPS2 and CP3 games and they now show up as well.

    So pretty sure I've sussed out the es_systems.cfg for adding in new systems and roms - thank you for your assistance.

    I borrowed an XBOX 360 joypad and it works (once configured) in the ES menu, but also does not work inside any games / systems. Also I noticed that both the wired USB cable xbox 360 joystick and the PS4 joystick both only ask to detect the shoulder buttons.. not the trigger, or the analogue joysticks.. is that normal?

    another thing is I noticed some games are being ''cut off'' at the top and bottom of the screen - I'm assuming because their upscaled ratio doesn't fit nicely on the screen - any way to force games to display nicely on a 1080p screen please?

    Lastly if I can figure out how to use bezels and overlay artwork then I'll be a very happy person!

    Thank you niabi for porting ES for us!

  • is there any way to run any of the retroarch cores from ssh or a script, so I can verify that retroarch is actually running? then I might also be able to configure my joysticks to work within games. thank you.

    EDIT: ok, I found the retroarch executable in the /usr/bin folder - if I give the command to execute it from winscp it runs (looks like another session runs.. as ES is still running in the background) and it recognised my PS4 joypad.. but would only allow me to select left/right and either top or bottom options in any lists. a/b/x/y etc. buttons do not work.

    EDIT 2: ok.. if I connect a USB keyboard to the S905x I can use the retroarch menus and configs fine - but as soon as I connect the PS4 joypad with USB cable I cannot move (retroarch detects the PS4 joypad connected successfully).

    So I then tried to remap all controls to the joystick and it is sort of successful - but when I select "User 1 Save Autoconfig" it shows me an error message - "error saving autoconf file" - so I am guessing this may be an issue as to why retroarch isn't loading or saving joypad configs?

    where does retroarch save it's config files etc? as there is no /opt/retropie/emulationstation etc. folder with this build. and I cannot see any files anywhere over winscp - only downloaded jpg files and the gamelist.xml when I scrape the system games roms.

    Edited 3 times, last by gizmomelb (February 6, 2018 at 4:40 PM).

  • Es_systems.cfg is basically made for the systems I play and "support" directly, I know this might sound bad, but since this started as more or less a personal project I hardly ever needed to add other systems.

    However I have no problem adding a es_systems.cfg with all the options available if someone makes it.

    Now the reason they are 2 mame entries there is because one is for AdvanceMAME and one is for the MAME included in Retroarch

  • niabi - don't knowif you are aware of this retroarch project? [TWRP] LibreELEC for S905x plus EXTRAS!! (NEW) -

    Yes I am aware about it, why?

    is there anyway to get this to boot into lakka on start-up or via kodi instead of using es?

    You need to modify the file to add RetroArch and also modify the retroarch.cfg to exit directly to Kodi instead of ES, this will basically elimiate ES.

    is there any way to run any of the retroarch cores from ssh or a script, so I can verify that retroarch is actually running? then I might also be able to configure my joysticks to work within games. thank you.

    EDIT: ok, I found the retroarch executable in the /usr/bin folder - if I give the command to execute it from winscp it runs (looks like another session runs.. as ES is still running in the background) and it recognised my PS4 joypad.. but would only allow me to select left/right and either top or bottom options in any lists. a/b/x/y etc. buttons do not work.

    EDIT 2: ok.. if I connect a USB keyboard to the S905x I can use the retroarch menus and configs fine - but as soon as I connect the PS4 joypad with USB cable I cannot move (retroarch detects the PS4 joypad connected successfully).

    So I then tried to remap all controls to the joystick and it is sort of successful - but when I select "User 1 Save Autoconfig" it shows me an error message - "error saving autoconf file" - so I am guessing this may be an issue as to why retroarch isn't loading or saving joypad configs?

    where does retroarch save it's config files etc? as there is no /opt/retropie/emulationstation etc. folder with this build. and I cannot see any files anywhere over winscp - only downloaded jpg files and the gamelist.xml when I scrape the system games roms.

    I recently got a PS4 so I can test the PS4 controller, how are you connecting to it? wired? I would assume the RA has a PS4 autoconfig out of the box, but I haven't tested it.

    You can see all the paths in the Retroarch settings, use the keyboard to navigate to it and check them there.

  • Wich Gamepads do people use?

    Need to buy one that is 100% compatible.


    I have tested many controllers:

    USB generic gamepad
    Xbox 360 Wired

    Xbox 360 wireless DIY dongle

    Logitech F310 (which is what I currently USE)

    Generic Bluetooth Gamepads (several)

    PS2 with a generic adapter

    PS3 wired

    Generic arcade stick (which is basically a generic Xbox 360 gamepad)