Sx05RE v1.8.6 Emulationstation+Lakka+Kodi

  • I must have forgotten to put it on the smb.conf when I moved to the new version, I will fix it on the next few days.

    I am not sure you can access the smb.conf file from windows, sorry but in the meantime you can use a USB drive, create a roms folder on the root and put your roms there, separated by system also put an empty file called sx05reroms where the roms are located e.g. /roms/sx05reroms

    I can access all files remotely on the SD card using winscp - but I cannot edit the smb.conf as I it is read only and I cannot change the permissions.

  • Did You try to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf ?

    yes. I am a noob, but I know how use SSH and winscp and vi and none of those methods worked.

    I have since found an ext2/3/4 driver for windows - but I haven't had time to try it as yet (need to reboot to install).

    I just thought it odd I could not edit the smb.conf file to add the roms folder - especially after niabi said they were going to add the roms folder to the auto shares back on page 5.

  • /etc/samba/smb.conf is stored on read only system partition.

    You have to use /storage/.config/samba.config

    Yes, after fresh install there is only a file named samba.conf.sample, copy or move this file to samba.conf and edit

    After reboot ssh to box and execute the command testparm to check which samba config is in use

  • yes. I am a noob, but I know how use SSH and winscp and vi and none of those methods worked.

    I have since found an ext2/3/4 driver for windows - but I haven't had time to try it as yet (need to reboot to install).

    I just thought it odd I could not edit the smb.conf file to add the roms folder - especially after niabi said they were going to add the roms folder to the auto shares back on page 5.

    That was for the older version, when the new libreelec got released I redid everything from scratch and I forgot to add the smb.conf (specially since I never use samba) but it will be added on the next update.

  • I'm too looking for help! Exactly the same screen. Got all my roms setup as described in the 1st post.

    Es can't find your roms, if you are using a USB make sure you have the file sx05reroms. And make sure the roms are inside a su folder for each system (e.g. NES, SNES)

  • Es can't find your roms, if you are using a USB make sure you have the file sx05reroms. And make sure the roms are inside a su folder for each system (e.g. NES, SNES)

    Just realised I wasn't giving my mounted share enough time to load! Opened es after 30 secs and it's up and running!

    Where is it referenced the system names required for the folders? Managed to get snes nes and n64, psx doesn't seem to work?

  • That was for the older version, when the new libreelec got released I redid everything from scratch and I forgot to add the smb.conf (specially since I never use samba) but it will be added on the next update.

    ok thank you.. I should state (if it makes any difference) I am trying to install the roms and emulators on the same SD card that LE+ES+Kodi boots from.

  • /etc/samba/smb.conf is stored on read only system partition.

    You have to use /storage/.config/samba.config

    Yes, after fresh install there is only a file named samba.conf.sample, copy or move this file to samba.conf and edit

    After reboot ssh to box and execute the command testparm to check which samba config is in use

    the samba.conf.sample file is empty, so I copied the /etc/samba/smb.conf file to /storage/.config/samba.conf and edited it to remove picons and share the roms folder instead.

    edit 1: I still cannot see the roms folder shared, the picons folder is still shared. testparm does not exist in the s905x build, it might exist in retropie.

    edit2: forgetting smb for a moment - using WINSCP I've copied some roms (in their system folder) to the roms folder (which also contains the BIOS folder - correct?) and after ES reboots I can see the games and start them.

    Problem - I connected my PS4 joypad and configured the buttons for ES, but when I select a game and it boots.. the joypad doesn't appear to be recognised from inside the game - as no button presses at all do anything, I have to physically power off the system as I cannot play or exit the game. Can someone please direct me to a good configuring ES for noobs, as youtube and google aren't revelaing anything much helpful to me as yet. Thank you.

    EDIT3: I have /roms/arcade/, /cps1, cps2, cps3, fba, various mame folders and also /roms/neogeo/ folders but I cannot see any of these systems listed when I run ES. How can I get fba and mame to work please?

    Edited 5 times, last by gizmomelb (February 5, 2018 at 7:06 AM).

  • Hi,

    can only repeat to your Edit3 point: If there are no roms in a folder e.g. your MAME Folder, than it will not apear in ES. You must min. 1 Game .zip in Mame Folder, than it will appear in ES. Tipp from me. Some old Arcade games wont work with Mame core, like 1941, 1942, ... For this games, you must use the arcade core. At the moment i am in work for change the configuration of Retroarch, that he uses for this games the arcade core.

  • It still should not give you any problem, I recently compiled it from scratch (had to for 1.8.2) with no problems. Why do you think that is the problem? Did you test it?

    Hello niabi.

    I took some time to do further test on this compilation problem.

    So I did some tests on 2 other linux machine (ubuntu 16), and I reproduced the problem on both machines.

    make[1]: Entering directory '/SX05RE/build.Sx05RE-WeTek_Core.arm-1.8.2/retroarch-assets-40866a8'
    make[1]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
    make[1]: Leaving directory '/SX05RE/build.Sx05RE-WeTek_Core.arm-1.8.2/retroarch-assets-40866a8'
    Makefile:9: recipe for target 'release' failed

    If I modify back to


    and comment PKG_GIT_URL it works ...

    ... but I can't do that for every libreto package (problem is the same for all libreto packages)

    So at this moment I'm stuck :(

    Last (weird) thing : I remodified the file for assets, commented PKG_URL line, et reactivated the PKG_GIT_URL line, saved ... and then it worked for that !

    I really don't understand what happen

  • Hi,

    can only repeat to your Edit3 point: If there are no roms in a folder e.g. your MAME Folder, than it will not apear in ES. You must min. 1 Game .zip in Mame Folder, than it will appear in ES. Tipp from me. Some old Arcade games wont work with Mame core, like 1941, 1942, ... For this games, you must use the arcade core. At the moment i am in work for change the configuration of Retroarch, that he uses for this games the arcade core.

    thanks for the reply ssc_jarod - I have like 200 files in each folder - fba, cps1, cps2, cps3, mame, arcade etc. none of those systems show up in ES. other systems like megadrive, nes, snes etc. do and they also have files in them.

    Edited once, last by gizmomelb (February 5, 2018 at 12:13 PM).