As an update - I believe I have sorted out the server issues. I have pushed a new release to my github - please feel free to try out and report any issues! If you want a pure test - uninstall the addon, and then delete the userdata zap2epg folder. Then reboot, install the 1.3.0 version and run it. Thanks!

tvheadend, ATSC and epg...
edit4ever -
June 4, 2016 at 5:36 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Looking good, I think you got it. Long list of lineups popup now, I choose the Local OTA option and it sets it up. No more issue with having no lineup configured looks like.
Good stuff, thanks!
Long dead thread but it comes up in GoOgle search.
The original zap2xml now lives at the Wayback Machine…
The addon needs some modifications to work in Kodi 20 Nexus and 19.4 Matrix.
So, I use as a stand alone on my Linux entertainment server running by cron and using tv_grab_file to import into tvheadend, NextPVR can just import the xmltv file.
I found that when using a VPN that puts you in Europe you need to go into and change all instances of" to "" and go to tvschedules.zap2it to setup your favorites. Evidently, there is geoblocking.
I use this command line:
My zap2xmlrc file is from…-sources/326140 :
Soo, I use as a stand alone on my Linux entertainment server running by cron and using tv_grab_file to import into tvheadend, NextPVR can just import the xmltv file.
Several months ago I updated the Kodi zap2epg addon to work with NextPVR which works well with Kodi or from the command line. If you want to try it post on the NextPVR forum. It is a little easier then the perl script.
I updated edit4ever’s addon to work with nexus. It can be accessed on GitHub.
GitHub - hagertyoh/script.module.zap2epg: zap2epg - EPG grabber for USA/Canadazap2epg - EPG grabber for USA/Canada. Contribute to hagertyoh/script.module.zap2epg development by creating an account on -
I updated edit4ever’s addon to work with nexus. It can be accessed on GitHub.
That seems to be working now. Just remember to disable tvheadend in settings if you are not using it or it will throw errors.
Since I have zap2xml working, I will leave it until I feel like fiddling with it. It is not difficult to setup zap2xml, finding it on the web is a challenge.