LE v7.95.1 BETA on RPI3: freeze and reboot

  • Hi guys,
    I really need your help to identify and solve the issue on my setup (LE v7.95.1 BETA on RPI3).
    After the boot I have 430MB of "Free Memory available", but after some minutes (doing nothing) the amount of available RAM is gradually saturated. When it reaches a critical level (about 80 MB) the GUI freezes and under 15MB Rpi3 reboot.
    There's a way (via SSH) to identify if there is a process or addon that cause this strange issue?
    Thank a lot

  • ssh in and use the


    command to see what might be going on. While you are in, you could also provide a logfile:

    pastebinit /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log

    and get us the link you will receive after that command.

  • Thx for the replay.
    With top seems that the issue is Kodi.bin.
    After about 15 minutes from boot (but with zero activities) it reach 83 %MEM and thresholds of 143 %CPU.

    I'm going to reboot to extract the Kodi.log. stay tuned... Thx
    Here I am:
    Kodi.log - Pastebin.com

    Edited once, last by lollo78 (January 25, 2017 at 5:55 PM).

  • @lollo

    maybe you should install more of those banned addons. Your log is full of them, but maybe it's not enough.

    to fix your issue, ssh in and do:

    rm -rf /storage/.kodi && reboot

    that will set Kodi like it was at installation. Fresh and clean. I'll bet your issue is fixed then.

  • Disabling them from My Addons settings, is an enough operation to identify the ones that cause this issue?
    So I could uninstall the critical addons without restoring all to a fresh installation.

  • @lollo

    maybe you should install more of those banned addons. Your log is full of them, but maybe it's not enough.

    to fix your issue, ssh in and do:

    rm -rf /storage/.kodi && reboot

    that will set Kodi like it was at installation. Fresh and clean. I'll bet your issue is fixed then.

    What are banned addons? I've just installed Finnish TV Addon for Yle Areena, Keymap Editor and Youtube, and still experiening this.

    It's impossible to get log when system goes down, but here's one when everything is ok: OUdC