LibreELEC 8 Test Builds Wetek Play

  • Because I did it and for those, who want to test the upcomming LibreELEC with Kodi 17 Krypton:
    Here you can find an actual test build of LibreELEC 8 for your Wetek Play.

    What's in it:

    The compressed image file für writing on sd card an boot from it. Image ist build from the current LibreELEC master without any changes yet.

    Good news:

    It works. You can use many addons including Sandmanns Amazon Prime Video addon (what was the reason for me to try it out).

    Bad news:

    It works with an exception: PVR works not as supposed. You will get a black screen while viewing live tv (and sometimes recordings too). So you cannot view live tv. If you disable hardware acceleration (amcodec) in Kodis player settings, all works as expected but of course the video is choppy. The cpu is not powerful enough to use software decoding. If someone has an idea what to do: Feel free to lead me to the right way!


    Index of /devreleases/

    Edited once, last by MartinSfromB (May 25, 2016 at 1:41 PM).

  • Regarding live TV, try this for now until the changes get into Kodi

    [Development build] New decoder for OpenELEC 8.0 build for WeTek Play - Page 5 - WeTek Community Forum

    And use this Tvheadend:
    [Development build] New decoder for OpenELEC 8.0 build for WeTek Play - Page 6 - WeTek Community Forum

    Don't expect to use LE/OE 8 as a daly driver for not, because some changes need to be pushed to master.
    If you find any major issues please post them here:

    [Development build] New decoder for OpenELEC 8.0 build for WeTek Play - Page 5 - WeTek Community Forum

  • Tried this version with VDR from official repo.
    On PVR channels I can't get the audio stream to work after switching to another channel. After switch to the "first" channel, audio is working again. I reported this bug already on the wetek forums. Unfortunately it is offline atm (atleast for me), so I can't provide a link to my post over there.

    Is this a known issue?

    Edited once, last by heisenberg (May 29, 2016 at 11:00 AM).

  • Tried this build and it works pretty well considering this early stage however I cannot get the Amazon Prime add-on to work I'm getting error like the ones below any suggestions welcome everything else seems to work well however I do have my tvh backend on a raspberry pi

    3:42:15 T:2540696480  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] searching fanart for BREAKING THE CODES at 23:42:22 T:2553279392   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--                                              - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!                                             Error Type: <class 'sqlite3.OperationalError'>                                             Error Contents: database is locked                                             Traceback (most recent call last):                                               File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 1612, in <module>                                                 createDB()                                               File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 1377, in createDB                                                 );''')                                             OperationalError: database is locked                                             -->End of Python script error report<-- 23:42:23 T:3037241344   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://$ 23:42:25 T:2540696480  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Finished Fanart Update 23:42:32 T:2540696480  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] [('asin', 'B00U9SAVCK'), ('mode', 'PlayVideo'), ('name', 'The Imitation Game'), ('adult', '0'), ('trailer', '0'), ('selbitrate', '0')] 23:42:33 T:2540696480  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] getURL: 23:42:33 T:2540696480  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] getURL: 23:42:34 T:2540696480  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] getURL:$ 23:42:34 T:2540696480  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] Convert English Subtitle 23:42:34 T:2540696480  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD] getURL: 23:42:40 T:2540696480  NOTICE: [Amazon VOD]$AOAGZA014O5RE,51AE880C/videoquality$1080p/d606/9d76/08f3/4d5c-8d9e-e8b90b203840/0a43130d-8ec0-4bd0-a350-a52a15cd63$ 23:42:40 T:3037241344  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: Opening:$AOAGZA014O5RE,51AE880C/videoquality$1080p/d606/9d76/08f3/4d5c-8d9e-e8b90b203840/0a43130d-8ec0-4bd0-a350-a$ 23:42:40 T:3037241344 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED 23:42:40 T:2637165472  NOTICE: Creating InputStream 23:42:41 T:2637165472   ERROR: AddOnLog: InputStream MPEG DASH: Could not open / parse mpdURL ($AOAGZA014O5RE,51AE880C/videoquality$1080p/d606/9d76/08f3/4d5c-8$ Connection to closed by remote host.nputStream - error opening [$AOAGZA014O5RE,51AE880C/videoquality$1080p/d606/9d76/08f3/4d5c-8d9e-e8b90b203840/$ Connection to closed.eoPlayer::OnExit() Nilss-MacBook-Air:~ Nils$ ROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://$ 23:42:41 T:3037241344  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile() 23:42:41 T:3037241344  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit 23:42:41 T:3037241344  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: finished waiting 23:42:41 T:3037241344  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()

  • Patch #9896 from codesnake is merged. Can someone compile a new LE8 testbuild for WetekPlay please?

    you need to modify kernel also use..
    diff --git a/projects/WeTek_Play/linux/linux.arm.conf b/projects/WeTek_Play/linux/linux.arm.conf
    index 54d36d2..03b6055 100644
    --- a/projects/WeTek_Play/linux/linux.arm.conf
    +++ b/projects/WeTek_Play/linux/linux.arm.conf
    @@ -1264,13 +1264,13 @@ CONFIG_POST_PROCESS_MANAGER_3D_PROCESS=y
    # V4L2 Video Support
    # CONFIG_V4L_AMLOGIC_VIDEO is not set
    -# CONFIG_V4L_AMLOGIC_VIDEO2 is not set
    # Amlogic ion video support
    -# CONFIG_VIDEOBUF2_ION is not set

    # Deinterlace driver

    Here is a complete build

    Edited once, last by Gendo (June 26, 2016 at 3:23 PM).