Problem in Pictures w/Cubox HW

  • Having a crash when trying to view pictures in LibreElec 8.0 Beta 10. It might be a memory constraint/run-out issue. Appears in directories until the Thumbnails are completely built then crashes appear to stop happening but some directories never get finished building. Does not appear to be related to number of jpg's in directory, nor to size of jpg's.
    Problem / Crash does not happen in V7.0/Kodi 16 (V7.0.3). Does not happen in same version(17.0 beta 7 - compile date 12/19/2016)) of Kodi on my windows 10 laptop.

    Hardware is Cubox I4Pro , wired interface to network,

    Let me know if there's any more info I can provide


  • I think it's Kodi since I'm not getting any of the "BIOS" level text messages on the screen. Corrected...
    I think it's LibreElec since I'm getting a LE splash Screen then the Kodi Logo, then the Main menu screen when it crashes.

    Just a barely gray box (center 2/3s of screen) and then the Kodi reboot screen(s). It appears to completely reload Kodi properly but will again crash if I browse one of the directory's with the pictures.

    It seems to be related to the presence/absence of the thumbnails. If the thumbnails are completely built in the directory, it appears the crash does not happen. If the thumbnails are not completely built for the directory, it will crash sooner or later. As far as I can tell, it doesn't matter how many pictures are in the directory, or the size of the pictures themselves. If the thumbnails are all there, it doesn't crash; if they aren't all built, it will.

    I just reloaded and re-installed and found there's another "symptom". When it crashes, and reloads, and I re-enter the Pictures menu selection, it shows the "First Run help" screen as though I haven't been into this menu selection. When I click "OK", it does show the top level thumbnails (that are built from the subdirectory contents), even though it just said it was the first time in. Evidently a flag is getting wiped as part of the crash that tells the skin I've been here before...

    Not every top level thumbnail is built. There are about 10 not built, scattered thru the top level screens, even though some at the very end of the directory are done....

    I know what you mean about getting useful info...haven't been able to capture anything...

    Edited once, last by spschneer (January 4, 2017 at 7:20 PM).

  • Just downloaded the LibreElec Beta(Kodi RC1) and the crash on pictures is still happening. Cannot capture crashlog since the entire system goes away and reboots. I did completely re-install from scratch on a new MicroSD card so it doesn't appear to be "update" related. I downloaded and then installed using the SD Creator tool.

    I've seen a couple of other reports of crashes/spontaneous reboots with Kodi Picture viewer, both here and on the Cubox forum, and on Kodi forum.

    If there's anything else I can provide I'll be happy to try.

    HW is Cubox i4pro. Viewing jpg photos and viewing the same directory/photo's using Kodi on Windows 10 works fine.


    Edited once, last by spschneer (January 23, 2017 at 5:35 PM).

  • A number of suggestions.

    After a crash.

    Post the output of /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.old.log and kodi_crashlog_<date of crash>

    or ssh into the Cubox. From separate windows run.
    1) tail -f -n 30 /storage/.kodi/kodi.log
    2) journalctl -f -n 30

    and view the results just before the crash.

  • Not sure if this is the info needed (see attachment), couldn't access /storage/.kodi/... from windows and didn't know how to transfer a file via putty terminal.

    This was in the subdirectory \\LibreElec\logfiles\ (from my windows laptop) just after a session that was only a browse of a pictures subdirectory that caused the crash.

    here is the latest kodi.old.log

  • Just rolled back to 7.0.3 to verify that still works properly (no crash on any of my picture folders). Will stay here on 7.0.3 until there's some acknowledgement that there's a problem and there's a possible fix for testing.


  • Seems I missed this thread. How can I reproduce? Is there a problem with specific image or images in general?
    I put few images in Pictures folder and I can show them just fine.

  • Seems I missed this thread. How can I reproduce? Is there a problem with specific image or images in general?
    I put few images in Pictures folder and I can show them just fine.

    I have a media server with all my pictures/videos/music on my network. "Some" of the picture directories will error every time while building the thumbnails for the JPG's in the folder. Some(80-90%) will never error. I see no specific issues with the subdirectories that have a problem and can copy the pictures in them to another subdirectory and they may or may not have a problem.

    The issue has been happening since the beginning of Kodi 17/LibreElec 8 and does not happen in 7.0.3. (nor in OE6 where I came from). I have both upgraded and new-installed and it happens on both. I can view these same directories with Kodi 17 on Windows 10 and there's no problem at all.

    I can send/upload a zip with the pictures that (almost always) have a problem if you'd like to try them. Would probably suggest putting them on a networked drive via SMB access to replicate my architecture. JPGs add up to about 60MB (not sure how big the zip would be)...

    Thanks for the interest. Let me know if you want more info, or the pictures uploaded or whatever...


  • Hi,
    Just updated to LE 8.0.0 and it works...Even on the picture directory that would crash it every time...Looks like its fixed ... YEAH...great job...

    Maybe it was fixed by itself :D

    Actually I didn't have much time to look into this issue. I could reproduce it with pictures send by spschneer and this is next thing to fix (audio not working immediately after boot is fixed but not yet included in the build).

  • Maybe it was fixed by itself :D

    Actually I didn't have much time to look into this issue. I could reproduce it with pictures send by spschneer and this is next thing to fix (audio not working immediately after boot is fixed but not yet included in the build).

    Well, it isn't really fixed...It appears to still be crashing but now it seems to be only when the Thumbnails are regenerated on a directory of pictures. I have two Cubox' with local DB's (no shared). One showed the thumbnails perfectly and didn't crash even after several viewings of the directory. The other crashed soon after it started to rebuild the thumbnails of the same directory...ARRRRGGG>...

    It is the same batch of pictures I sent to vpeter so it should (hopefully) crash if you tell it to rebuild thumbnails (I use Thumbnail view for my pictures default view)...


  • I finally looked into this more details. Sadly I could debug only once with gdb and got few pointers to continue. All subsequent retries only freezes whole system or give kernel oops [ 79.615972] Internal error: Oops: 805 [#1] PREEMPT SMP ARM. Not sure yet how to fix. Seems memory allocation for 64 MB fails somehow.

  • I finally looked into this more details. Sadly I could debug only once with gdb and got few pointers to continue. All subsequent retries only freezes whole system or give kernel oops [ 79.615972] Internal error: Oops: 805 [#1] PREEMPT SMP ARM. Not sure yet how to fix. Seems memory allocation for 64 MB fails somehow.