If the filename contains AGA or 32 then the script adds --amiga-model=a1200 --kickstart_file=kick31.rom. The default configuration is in /storage.config/fs-uae/Configurations/Default.fs-uae, you could change the default kickstart there. You can write your own complete configuration file as well and name it .fs-uae. Looks like I haven't added that extension to EmulationStation but you can do that in /storage/.config/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg.

RetroELEC Kodi+Wayland+Emulationstation+RetroArch (x86/XU4/RPi)
escalade -
May 12, 2016 at 2:26 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Can I install the generic version to my tronsmart ara x5 plus (Intel z8300 cpu)?.
If yes, how to do it?.
Prepare sd/usb by libreelic usb creator,
Set the bios to boot from USB?...
Thanks in advance.
image: creating file LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0-devel-20170723.img...
image: creating partition table...
image: creating part1...
image: creating part2...
image: writing mbr...Finally! LOL
It looks like it might have been the open-vm-tools. I deleted the VM and started over but this time without installing open-vm-tools. I think I left a few other packages out as well, which I think were htop, screen and net-tools. I also added "strip_lto" and "strip_gold" to the package.mk file just in case it was a combination of the open-vm-tools and something else. Anyway, thanks a lot for all of your time and help, I really appreciate it! Oh, and your LibreELEC fork too, which I'm about to install
If the filename contains AGA or 32 then the script adds --amiga-model=a1200 --kickstart_file=kick31.rom. The default configuration is in /storage.config/fs-uae/Configurations/Default.fs-uae, you could change the default kickstart there. You can write your own complete configuration file as well and name it .fs-uae. Looks like I haven't added that extension to EmulationStation but you can do that in /storage/.config/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg.
after some test I find why it's not working, egrep is not included in your busybox so you'll have to replace it by grep -E at line 24 and 43
amiga_model and kickstart_file are repeated twice in config file with the command at line 25, so I prefer replacing option in config file by commands
sed -i "s/A500/A1200/g" $CONFIG
sed -i "s/kick13/kick31/g" $CONFIG
and finally as zip would include some other files not needed like xml in my case, you can force to only extract rom files (line 22)
unzip -q -o "$1" -d "$TMP_DIR" "*.adf" "*.adz" "*.dms" "*.ipf"
with these modifications fs-uae working like it should
forgot to say that apply to fs-uae.start script
Now I have most other things working on LibreELEC, one thing I had on OpenELEC was Netflix using the Flix2kodi add-on. Is this something that can be implemented here?
I saw you released a new version on your github (8.2) and wanted to let you know that I tried building it but ran into errors when it came time to build Kodi. I'm happy with the current version and everything's working great but figured I'd update as I was having some slight issues with my PS4 controller and EmulationStation.
Figured I'd report this issue just in case but I think I've already taken up enough of your time LOL and I'm going to continue on with 8.0 for now. Just as a side note, I tried to build this in the same VM that I successfully built the previous branch (le8-test) in.
You don't by any chance have a copy of this build that you could upload to your Google Drive do you?
I haven't released a new version, that's a development branch.
Ah, well that explains it. Sorry for not being able to tell the difference. I just saw "active branches" and thought it was a new version but I'm not really that familiar with git. Figured I'd include that log just in case it could help in any way.
On a different note, I can't believe that I've been missing out all this time using LibreELEC LOL! The stuff included in this build is what the original LibreELEC should've come with. It simply blows everything else out of the water, and it all works right out of the box. Being able to watch my slingbox on Chrome really sealed the deal for me, and it runs so damn smoothly too. Everyone should be running this build!
Will add back the missing busybox symbols, thing it got messed up after the busybox update earlier.
if you need I attach you my modified script I use with the current busybox bin
I use the haswell version of your distribution but exept the new kernel what is the real diff with other build?
Just trying to clear up a few errors in my log file. Got any idea what this is about? From kodi.log
18:30:59.420 T:140194536774016 ERROR: Failed to determine egl config for visual info
Did a little google search for it and was something on Kodi forums about VAAPI
Post #17
ERROR: Failed to determine egl config for visual info
So I just managed to successfully build your new development branch. It seems as though the change that made this possible was using the "testing" package sources for pacman as that was the only difference in the config between it failing and being successful. I'm going to install it now on my Intel NUC and see how it goes!
Like I said, that branch is a development branch. It hasn't been ready yet. I'll be uploading new builds tonight. I've now rebased all my changes in 8.2. Not much difference other than some updated drivers here and there. I've updated to 4.12 for both generic and rpi.
I've been running your development branch for about a day and I can honestly say it runs awesome, though I'll probably build the new version when you officially release it tonight. When I first started this project, one of the main things I wanted to have working was the ability to use a PS4 controller with attached keyboard, sorta like a one-stop-shop for input; use the controllers touchpad/keyboard for Chrome and everything else for emulators and general Kodi navigation. That didn't quite work on the previous version (8.0) but on this version everything works amazingly well, even the touchpad.
The only problem I keep running into, and it was the same on the previous version, is when launching EmulationStation. As soon as RetroArch launches a ROM, I have to reconnect the PS4 controller over Bluetooth. It then works fine until I either hit the in-game RetroArch menu or close it all together. If I reconnect the controller after pressing the left stick to launch the in-game menu, it doesn't respond well to commands and seems like there's phantom key presses. This only happens in RetroArch, the controller works perfectly fine in Chrome and everywhere else I've tested it. Using ds4drv produces the same results, any thoughts?
Never had any issues with the original DS4. It works great as a mouse as well using the touchpad.
New builds are out
Hi escalade
I noticed on your git-hub you have an old 32bit branch, Do you have any plans to update/maintain this ?
Do you have any precomiled versions of this branch I could possibly get off you ? LibreELEC is great, even better with game emulation, but im having a hard time trying to get it working in 32-bit for some recent computers that are 32-bit (Weird I know) -
I updated to the new build and kodi now wont start
complaining about EGL
Code12:10:56.213 T:140578174331008 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.libreelec.tv 12:10:56.213 T:140578174331008 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.xbmc.org 12:10:56.213 T:140578174331008 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.plexkodiconnect 12:10:56.213 T:140578174331008 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.kodi.game 12:10:56.213 T:140578174331008 NOTICE: ADDONS: Using repository repository.kodinerds 12:10:56.415 T:140578174331008 NOTICE: Checking resolution 16 12:10:58.120 T:140578174331008 ERROR: Failed to determine egl config for visual info 12:10:58.120 T:140578174331008 WARNING: Visual 0x3c7 of the window is not suitable, looking for another one... 12:10:58.121 T:140578174331008 NOTICE: Using visual 0x21 12:10:58.129 T:140578174331008 NOTICE: Using visual 0x3c7
No, I won't be maintaining a 32-bit build. You can look at the changes I made and roll your own if you wish. The new build works fine here, provide logs from the logfile share.