RetroELEC Kodi+Wayland+Emulationstation+RetroArch (x86/XU4/RPi)

  • Been thinking about adding wine before, but unsure how good of a fit it is on a HTPC with a gamepad. I might play around with it at some point. Looks like cemu is in a working state according to winehq. Perhaps you could play around with it on a regular distribution and report back.

  • Thanks for all your work on this. I am building on Arch and get this error
    libtool: error: error: relink '' with the above command before installing it
    Any direction you can point me in?

    Edited once, last by porkchop999 (March 14, 2017 at 8:29 PM).

  • I've seen that happen when compiling with glibc 2.25. Arch recently upgraded glibc to 2.25, most likely this error is related to that. Try downgrading and doing a clean rebuild.

  • Logs, logs, logs. The answer is always in the logs ;)

    Here the log I have, but it don't help me, I tried with cue/bin or pbp I made with the bin and always the same error
    And I play this rom on my old XBOX or retropie without any problems

  • Hi escalade.
    Thank you for the lots of work and effort you put into this project. I installed today and replaced my vanilla libreelec image with yours. Installation went well and i already began to rebuild my libraries and so on. But I ran into 2 issues:
    1. When I try to access my Music Collection via SMB KODI hangs. It's a rather large Collection with lots of Folders, but that wasn't a problem with the official build. Other Folders on my NAS don't cause any Problems.
    2. I am using the Spotify Connect Web Add-on for my premium Spotify Account. I have a app.key and put it into \Userdata\addon_data\service.spotify-connect-web folder. I followed the instructions step-by-step, but I can't connect via Spotify Connect. Only Airplay works as intended. I had no problems with the official LE build. Spotify Connect uses Port 4000 for communication, afaik.
    Any Ideas?

    Many thanks in advance!

  • Hi escalade.
    Thank you for the lots of work and effort you put into this project. I installed today and replaced my vanilla libreelec image with yours. Installation went well and i already began to rebuild my libraries and so on. But I ran into 2 issues:
    1. When I try to access my Music Collection via SMB KODI hangs. It's a rather large Collection with lots of Folders, but that wasn't a problem with the official build. Other Folders on my NAS don't cause any Problems.

    I think there might be an issue with windows smb in the latest build. Kodi calls for a usr/pass even when its disabled. This seems to only effect windows smb as other shares work such as nfs. Doesn't happen in the release before the samba upgrade. Just in the latest build. Sorry I don't have logs atm system is in constant use :(
    If more people are experiencing the issue I will update again and get logs when I can have some down time.

  • Can I just take the files in the target folder of the zip at your downloads link and copy into my existing LE 8.0.0 build's update folder and all of what you name on the first page will be activated by default? Sorry if my understanding is wrong.

    I think I did that but I cant find transmission, plex etc. These are dockers or addons?