RetroELEC Kodi+Wayland+Emulationstation+RetroArch (x86/XU4/RPi)

  • Hehe, just wait for next hardware which is gonna last for the next 10 years ^^.
    Where can i change this build option, i would like to compil by myself your branch i change the udev rules for my nvidia card as latest deivers definitively dont work

    Well, i tried to compil... and :
    : GLib-CRITICAL **: g_hash_table_lookup: assertion 'hash_table != NULL' failed

    I think im gonna let you compil it ^^

    Edited once, last by bibi (December 18, 2016 at 5:26 PM).

  • 20161218 (Atom):

    - Kodi 17 beta 7
    - Vice C64 3.0
    - Updated Mesa has improved Radeon Vulkan driver 
    - beetle-psx-libretro Vulkan support
    - VAAPI (Intel) 10-bit HEVC support

    Atom build (Intel only) uploaded, Generic build is compiling.

    EDIT: Generic build 20161219 is up. Changes from the above Atom build is an updated RetroArch with >2 player netplay and updated SDL2.

    Edited once, last by escalade (December 19, 2016 at 2:02 PM).

  • 20161218 (Atom):

    - Kodi 17 beta 7
    - Vice C64 3.0
    - Updated Mesa has improved Radeon Vulkan driver 
    - beetle-psx-libretro Vulkan support
    - VAAPI (Intel) 10-bit HEVC support

    Atom build (Intel only) uploaded, Generic build is compiling.

    EDIT: Generic build 20161219 is up. Changes from the above Atom build is an updated RetroArch with >2 player netplay and updated SDL2.

    Still waiting :) With every one build it is like waiting for Christmas presents.

  • I upgraded from v7.90.009 ALPHA to the newest 20161218 release and I am having a couple problems. The first very minor problem is something with the default UI sounds. Instead of the normal sounds I get one sound for all actions that sounds kinda like a bubble popping. It is different from what I am use to hearing. The other more major problem I am having is the Twitch plugin isn't working for me. It gives a network error every time I try and connect to anything. It seems to be a few other video streaming addons (from official kodi addon repo) aren't working right either from my small testing. This happened on both the upgrade and a clean install. It might be from Kodi beta 7 but I have no way of testing. When I installed 7.90.009 again everything worked normally.

    Thanks for any help.

    Edited once, last by NiceBoat (December 20, 2016 at 7:29 PM).

  • 20161218 (Atom):

    - Kodi 17 beta 7
    - Vice C64 3.0
    - Updated Mesa has improved Radeon Vulkan driver 
    - beetle-psx-libretro Vulkan support
    - VAAPI (Intel) 10-bit HEVC support

    Atom build (Intel only) uploaded, Generic build is compiling.

    EDIT: Generic build 20161219 is up. Changes from the above Atom build is an updated RetroArch with >2 player netplay and updated SDL2.

    Thank you. I got that installed now and am up and running again.

  • NiceBoat

    I changed the default Kodi sound to the one from the Emulationstation theme, as I found it more pleasing and it gives a more integrated feel. I suggest you ask the Twitch plugin developer about your other issue.

    In other news, the RPi2 build has been updated to 20161220.

    Edited once, last by escalade (December 20, 2016 at 3:03 PM).

  • Yes, you can. As for for the Chrome entry it's hardcoded in the skin. You'd have to install an Estuary version without it into your /storage/.kodi/addons folder.


    is the patch corrupt?

    i mean the first lines

    --- a/xml/Home.xml 2016-11-30 21:39:51.000000000 +0000 +++ b/xml/Home.xml 2016-12-02 11:32:27.735254121 +0000 @@ -898,6 +898,18 @@ <property name="id">weather</property> <visible>!Skin.HasSetting(HomeMenuNoWeatherButton)</visible> </item>

    How can i add a link to Emulatorstation in the default estuary skin?

    my 2nd question
    how can i config emulatorstation?
    i add my gamepad (Xbox360) and see all my roms
    if i start a game (eg SNES) the resolution is wrong
    if i start a wii game, i see only the dolphin windows, but no game
    how can i leave a game? start/select dont work
    sorry for my questions, i use RetroboxOS before.


    Edited once, last by noxx (December 20, 2016 at 5:37 PM).

  • Is anyone else having issues connecting to respositories? This was working for me on previous builds but now I'm getting ccurl SSL erros. An example is the kodi game repsository that is included by default in the build

    DEBUG: CAddonDatabase: no valid repository matching ''
    DEBUG: CRepositoryUpdateJob[] checking for updates.
    DEBUG: CFileCache::Open - opening <kodi-game/> using cache
    DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x7f5f881b2820) addons.xml.md5
    ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: SSL connect error(35)
    ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 0 for addons.xml.md5
    ERROR: Open - failed to open source <addons.xml.md5>
    ERROR: CRepository: failed read '…/addons.xml.md5'

    I'm not sure why it's failing here. If I SSH into the box curl completes successfully:

    Basement:~ # curl
    64110aafc51765a0840788746a835dfb addons.xml

    Edited once, last by bdunning (December 20, 2016 at 6:26 PM).

  • RShT

    I don't even know what that is and why it should be in my build :)


    No, that's how a patch looks like. Not sure what you mean as Emulationstation shortcut is already there on the main menu. Keyboard shortcuts to different applications are on the first page, normally you can quit emulators with F1, F12 or ESC (dolphin).


    Works fine here on two different boxes.

  • Strange. I downgraded back to the Dec 08 build and it has no issues. After upgrading back to the Dec 19th build any new repository I add has that issue.

  • Hi Escalade,

    Thanks for your ongoing work maintaining these builds, really appreciate it :) I'd happily donate if there was an option.

    I've just updated to today's Raspberry Pi builds (20161220) - I've got a RPi3. After updating from your previous build using the tar file, I get a Kernel Panic error when it reboots. I tried a fresh install from the img.gz file on a different SD card and I get the same error as soon as it's boots. Screenshot below...

    Edited once, last by Fairbs (December 20, 2016 at 11:11 PM).

  • Strange. I downgraded back to the Dec 08 build and it has no issues. After upgrading back to the Dec 19th build any new repository I add has that issue.

    I appear to be having issues with curl also.

    ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: SSL connect error(35)
    CCurlFile::Open failed with code 0 for feed
    ERROR: Unable to obtain rss feed: feed

    No idea why it only happens on this build.

  • Hi Escalade,

    Thanks for your ongoing work maintaining these builds, really appreciate it :) I'd happily donate if there was an option.

    I've just updated to today's Raspberry Pi builds (20161220) - I've got a RPi3. After updating from your previous build using the tar file, I get a Kernel Panic error when it reboots. I tried a fresh install from the img.gz file on a different SD card and I get the same error as soon as it's boots. Screenshot below...

    It is a common bug in 20161220 build as I can see, cause it happens to me also.

  • NiceBoat

    This build is based on the master branch, which is a moving target. The Kodi version in master has been upgraded as alpha10 draws near, so I've started a rebuild. Hopefully that will solve the addon issues you are having, although as mentioned I am running 20161219 myself and I have no problems with addons. I have just verified by downloading the "Playstation Controller" successfully from the Kodi game add-ons repo.

    EDIT: I see now, the LE repo and the Kodi repo work fine but the "Kodi game add-on repository (alpha)" one doesn't. I think the SSL connect error in the log is misleading, probably the repo isn't compatible with master (yet).

    Edited once, last by escalade (December 22, 2016 at 1:11 PM).