Did quite a bit of polishing for this last release, enjoy
- The "Emulationstation" shortcut on the main menu is now renamed to "Emulators" which starts ES by default but is configurable through /storage/.config/emulator-frontend.conf
- Use scrolling sound from ES theme as Kodi sounds
- Removed extra ES theme for a slimmer image
- Start applications maximized by default
- Freeze Kodi instead of stopping it when launching applications for much faster startup times
- Enabled scanlines in FS-UAE default configuration
- Fixed an issue with Chrome failing to start because of missing libxkcb.so
- Updated packages: emulationstation-theme-carbon, dolphin, glupen64-libretro, mupen64plus-libretro, core-info, libretro-database, retroarch-assets, retroarch, mesa, SDL2, xf86-video-intel