RetroELEC Kodi+Wayland+Emulationstation+RetroArch (x86/XU4/RPi)

  • Regarding PCSX2, it seems the repo I use for the container has advanced SIMD instructions enabled, so you're out of luck with your Sempron.

    The ES warning is simply a warning, scraping should still work. I've added the missing tags and fixed genesis in my tree though, doing rebuilds now.

    Ah, pity but thanks for the update!

    Scraping works, but it's very inaccurate, it finds covers for nearly all platforms the game has been released on.

  • In order to tackle the issues that comes with me changing es_systems.cfg in the image while an old one is in /storage/.emulationstation, I've decided to do some long overdue cleanup of the Emulationstation.

    - Emulationstation config now resides in /storage/.config/emulationstation where it more naturally belongs.

    - It will automatically be populated on boot with an es_input.cfg that will be copied over like before, and an es_systems.cfg which now will be a symlink to /usr/share/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg.

    - If you wish to make modifications to es_systems.cfg simply remove the symlink and copy over the system es_systems.cfg manually. In that case you will need to keep it in sync yourself when I do updates (I will further simplify and clean up config and scripts later).

    - Emulationstation now logs directly to /var/log/emulationstation.log.

    - Platform tags have been added to fix the scraping issues and I've removed a theme tag that was causing noise in the log. It should now be readable again.

    - Kernel was updated to 5.5-rc7, Mesa to latest git and I've done the usual version bumps of emulator packages.

    - The virtual image should now be fully functional and has 3D accelerated OpenGL through vmwgfx, tested on VMware Fusion 11.5.1.

    - I've added the dhewm-libretro core (libretro Doom 3 engine generic only), no automatic setup yet, just the core available at /tmp/cores/

    - The Intel "iris" gallium3d driver is now preferred over the older i965 driver.

    I've uploaded images with the latest changes for generic, skylake, rpi4 and xu4.


    I think you might want to visit an eye doctor then, there is definitely images there I have triple checked from other machines :)


    Always pick the latest one.


    I think so. It seems I had messed up the bootloader. Could you try the one I've just uploaded?


    This is an unofficial image, there's no update channel.


    Give the new build a try :)

  • jaykass

    I think so. It seems I had messed up the bootloader. Could you try the one I've just uploaded?

    Using RetroELEC-RPi4.arm-9.2-devel-20200120093047-28eddc2.

    First boot, I see the RetroELEC splash (looks real nice, btw), resizing file system, then reboots as expected.

    Then it hung for a minimum 15 minutes during boot-up.

    I forced a reboot and now following the RetroELEC splash screen I get a blank screen. Note: A signal appears to be sent as my TV would otherwise display a no signal message.

    I have SSH access so I did the following:

    RetroELEC:~ # paste /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
    cat: can't open '/storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log': No such file or directory
    RetroELEC:~ # dmesg|paste
    RetroELEC:~ # cat /var/log/emulationstation.log
    lvl2:   EmulationStation - v2.10.0rp-dev, built Jan 20 2020 - 09:31:10
    lvl2:   Parsing XML file "/storage/../usr/share/emulationstation/resources/mamenames.xml"...
    lvl2:   Parsing XML file "/storage/../usr/share/emulationstation/resources/mamebioses.xml"...
    lvl2:   Parsing XML file "/storage/../usr/share/emulationstation/resources/mamedevices.xml"...
    lvl2:   Creating window...
    lvl0:   Error initializing SDL!
            Couldn't create gbm device.
    lvl0:   Renderer failed to initialize!
    lvl0:   Window failed to initialize!
  • They are automatically generated by the createlog script when connecting to the Logs share. Placement in the filesystem is /storage/Logs.

    Please try RetroELEC-RPi4.arm-9.2-devel-20200122001042-28eddc2.img.gz that I have just uploaded.

  • I found two issues, my kernel config was out of sync with master and this undefined symbol prevented Kodi from starting:

    Jan 22 05:59:11 RetroELEC[1076]: /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: ff_hevc_rpi4_10_hwaccel

    Otherwise it's looking quite good even if you don't have a picture :P I'll see about fixing both would appreciate if you could test another build. Might not be ready until tomorrow as I'm currently on holidays.

  • jaykass

    Please try the latest build, it should be linked correctly against bcmhost to fix the undefined symbol and kernel is in sync with master.

    Using RetroELEC-RPi4.arm-9.2-devel-20200122130326-28eddc2.img.

    Noticed an error/warning during boot. I think it said "NFSD", hopefully it'll show up in the logs.

    Boots into Kodi.

    Launches ES properly.

    Trying to launch Retroarch just causes Kodi to restart. Same thing for Browser.

    In general, Kodi seems to be working properly. I have a flirc that I use with a remote control, with this build there are many more double key-presses and unresponsive button presses than with base LibreELEC (which is essentially none). When I use a standard keyboard however, nothing feels out of the ordinary.

    I'll review more in the coming days (e.g. I haven't tried to run any emulator cores yet).

    Latest logs attached.

  • ive got a few dreamcast and sega saturn disks that ive dumped but I cant get them to play unless for atleast dreamcast I leave them in a file folder and saturn no joy at all am i misssing something as far as compiling iso's?

  • jaykass

    Thanks for being my guinea pig here, can you try out the latest image? The mentioned issues should now be fixed :) I've created a new browser container for ARM as well, escalade1/archarm, which has Firefox 72. It's a bit on the fat side (~1GB compressed), and completely untested as I don't have any RPi available to test.


    Can't get them to play, what does that mean? Why don't you provide the logs as requested, or am I supposed to guess what's going on?

  • ive got a few dreamcast and sega saturn disks that ive dumped but I cant get them to play unless for atleast dreamcast I leave them in a file folder and saturn no joy at all am i misssing something as far as compiling iso's?

    Have you added bios files for dreamcast (and ps2)? My issue with pcsx2 was that my hardware isn't supported (AMD APU)

  • bios files have been added for both dreamcast and ps2 and saturn the dreamcast will play but they are just in file folders I for the life of me cant figure out how to get them in an image form, the ps2 played on your competitors build but here no dice as well as saturn, my bad on the lack of logs was just getting frustrated but thats not an excuse you need the var logs right? However if I go into retro arch and look at my cores I dont see one for saturn, I will do my best to get the logs in a timely fashion.

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    Edited once, last by Liquidmercury: added ps2 var log (January 23, 2020 at 11:04 PM).