RetroELEC Kodi+Wayland+Emulationstation+RetroArch (x86/XU4/RPi)

  • Bit offtopic -> currently i use standard snes usb controller. I would like to buy wireless ones, any suggestion? (i dont own other systems)
    My girls are 6 and 3 y old.

    I bought a 8bitdo SNES30 several months ago. After a few firmware updates, I can solidly recommend it to anyone who liked the SNES controller back in the 90s. In fact, I have a second on order now. Just make sure you update to the latest firmware from their website for best performance.

  • I'm pretty sure you can dump .img.gz into the .update folder as well, just FYI.... ;)

    nah, i managed, dunno why i didnt realize the tarball was an update file.. i wanted to ask something else anyway, i was using this addon back on OE, you think its worth implementing in LE settings that you have on rpi build? its basically config.txt editor, makes things easier if you need to edit the conf quickly

  • I bought a 8bitdo SNES30 several months ago. After a few firmware updates, I can solidly recommend it to anyone who liked the SNES controller back in the 90s. In fact, I have a second on order now. Just make sure you update to the latest firmware from their website for best performance.

    Yes, also checked a few videos and will order it by the end of the week probably. Will go with the sfc30 version for more colors = 9ir! p0w3r :dodgy:

    Thanks, to both of you.

  • Hello Friend. Thanks for answering. I mention that because it hurts my finger to give F5 and CTRL + F5 hahahaha.
    In my browser incognito mode only shows me 20160918, 20160920 and 20160921 but see nothing 20160921-2. In addition two folders that were not displayed before me appear, apparently are emulators Amiga.

    Before I read that the escalade companion had said he was ready 20160921-2 and what I was looking for download. I suppose, it will be up to the network.

    Regards :)

  • New issue with up and left on my 8bitdo SNES30. It appears that it may be related to the changes made in Kodi 17 beta 2. I found another user had a similar issue though with a DS4 on the github (GitHub - kodi-game/peripheral.joystick: ARCHIVE of peripheral.joystick repo. See I added my comments to the existing issue for garbear.

    After additional research, it looks like before the bump to Beta 2 the joystick peripheral version in your build was 8653627 from 8/12. As of the beta 2 bump, the joystick version is 263AA84, which includes commit 31DF568 on 8/15 that switched to udev as the primary driver. It does appear that garbear is working on fixing this up but for the time being it is a noticeable regression. This may also be the same issue that is impacting DaRKeN.

    I reverted to 20160918 (before the kodi beta 2 bump) and confirmed the joystick functions properly again.


    Hello Friend. Thanks for answering. I mention that because it hurts my finger to give F5 and CTRL + F5 hahahaha.
    In my browser incognito mode only shows me 20160918, 20160920 and 20160921 but see nothing 20160921-2. In addition two folders that were not displayed before me appear, apparently are emulators Amiga.

    Before I read that the escalade companion had said he was ready 20160921-2 and what I was looking for download. I suppose, it will be up to the network.

    Regards :)

    20160921-2 builds are definitely there, I just confirmed, they are actually listed before 20160921.

    Edited once, last by jaykass (September 22, 2016 at 8:14 AM).

  • I don't see it as very useful, sorry. Values in that file shouldn't need changing very often. Having a way to softbrick your device from Kodi is a bad idea if you ask me :)

    true, true, just gave the idea :D you change those settings once twice maybe if even needed and thats it p; but yeah, a bunch of people wouldn't know what they are doing when messing with those settings

  • jaykass

    No need for beer, I'm more of a vodka+redbull kind of guy :P

    Build 20160922 incoming:
    - Updated peripheral.joystick to fix axes issue
    - Updated RetroArch to fix an issue loading rom archives with certain cores in the previous build (resulted in black screen)
    - Added some tweaks from Lakka to RetroArch that hides advanced settings and image/video/music

  • I bought a 8bitdo SNES30 several months ago. After a few firmware updates, I can solidly recommend it to anyone who liked the SNES controller back in the 90s. In fact, I have a second on order now. Just make sure you update to the latest firmware from their website for best performance.

    Follow up question -> i saw some reviews about batteries dying after 1 year of use. Know anything about that, if its common known fault or maybe something they already fixed in new production batches.
    OR, how is your controllers battery after a few months?

    My income was halved and i dont want to buy something that will get defected.

    On the other hand, i could solder in some nice battery for a few € if needed... cause i really like the controller now...

  • Follow up question -> i saw some reviews about batteries dying after 1 year of use. Know anything about that, if its common known fault or maybe something they already fixed in new production batches.
    OR, how is your controllers battery after a few months?

    My income was halved and i dont want to buy something that will get defected.

    On the other hand, i could solder in some nice battery for a few € if needed... cause i really like the controller now...

    I haven't had any issues with the battery yet but honestly I just don't think it's been long enough to know.

  • New build 20160923:

    - Disable rainbow splash on Pi
    - Fix for Emulationstation scraper getting stuck when screensaver kicks in
    - Added beetle-psx-hw core
    - Upstream fix for kodinerds repo

  • Code
    [*]AUTOSTART: Autodetecting image type of `/storage/roms/c64/Batman - The Caped Crusader (Europe) (Bleepload).zip'.
    [*]  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
    [*]  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
    [*]  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
    [*]  the last disk(s) of this archive.