[x86-64] MP3 Playback Crashes on HP T630 and T620

  • Hi,

    i have the newest Libreelec 12.0.2 with Generic_X86_64 installed on an HP T630 GX-420GI quad core with 8GB RAM.

    I normally hear MP3s the whole day with GOOM visualized and lyrics on TV. With GOOM activated one core is always up to 100%.

    So in undefined time and on different songs the system crashes and reboots.

    Thats not comfortable for me.

    Is there a possibility to find the root cause or should i buy new hardware ?

    New hardware with max. 125.- € is no problem, but which one to choose ? (no pi please, i like thin clients with case)
    What is better ? AMD or INTEL ?
    Sometimes i also watch videos but not with the highest resolution ...

    Best regards

  • Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • 2 Questions :

    - Sometimes it could take hours until the chrash occurs. This is no problem for the Logging getting too big ?

    - Can the correct URL afterwards be created even if the system chrashed and rebooted ?


  • Thanks!

    Feb 13 15:26:22.437885 LibreELEC-T630 kernel: traps: ActiveAE[2604] trap stack segment ip:151557e sp:7f1453ffe7d0 error:0 in kodi.bin[400000+1888000]
    Feb 13 15:26:26.884355 LibreELEC-T630 kodi.sh[2544]: Bus error (core dumped)
    Feb 13 15:26:29.816233 LibreELEC-T630 kodi.sh[2544]: Crash report available at /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi_crashlog_20250213152626.log

    Please also upload the corresponding crash log:

    pastekodi /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi_crashlog_20250213152626.log

  • I think there was a misunderstanding in my previous post and probably also wrong written from my side ...
    LE13 nightly runs but not stable ...

    Therefor I changed the state to NOT solved for this topic ...

    In fact I was able to install a clean newest nightly LE13 with Goom visualization but it crashed again on playing mp3.
    I also used a new SSD ...
    The same happens with a T620 which is located in my cellar.

    Here is the log (hopefully the right one) : https://paste.libreelec.tv/more-salmon.log
    And also the chrashlog which is mentioned there : https://paste.libreelec.tv/main-vulture.log

    I really hope we can find the root cause because with this conditions i can not use LE/KODI for my purposes ...

    If you need further data only tell me how to provide it ...

    Hope for help ...


  • I'm not seeing a specific reason for anything crashing in logs, and I'm able to play mp3 files for an extended period on an RPi5 with Goom running in the background. If there was a general issue, I'd expect to see more problems being raised, and there's nothing here or in Kodi github (haven't look at their forum, but..).

    So /shrug

  • Hmmm ... so i come back to my first post and ask for adequat hardware but i do not want a Raspy.

    Are there any known good working small thin clients which i can try under 100 € ?

    Q920 i already tried but Goom always freezed after some seconds of visualizing ...

  • I stopped recommending Intel hardware years ago due to the endless shenanigans involving LSPCON chips in the HDMI chain and the general inability to triage and fix issues. I've no experience with AMD chips, and anything with an nVidia card still has no clear roadmap to proper GBM support. The current no-brainer recommendation is an RPi5, but you object to that for some reason. So I'll post this again .. /shrug

  • Da Flex

    Did you get feedback from the devs ?

    It appears on LE12/LE13 and HP T620 and HP T630

    Sorry, no reply from our internal dev channel. I can see a difference between both crash logs.

    LE 12: Program terminated with signal SIGBUS, Bus error.

    LE 13: Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

    Now I found something new, which is related to FFMPEG (LE 12 and LE 13 crash logs):

    2025-02-23 18:14:41.045 T:1229    error <general>: ffmpeg[0x149a2d00]: [mp3float] Header missing

    My theory is that some of your MP3s are encoded wrongly, and result in system crashes.

    You can get correctly encoded MP3 files from the Kodi sample library.

    Please try some of the correctly encoded MP3 files, and report back.

  • Which encoder was used to create these files?

    Anyway, to rule out file problem, please install foobar2000, load all files from that folder into it, select all in playlist, right click then select Utilities / Verify integrity. Then, if there are errors, you can try Utilities / Fix VBR MP3 header, or Rebuilding entire stream.

    I am guessing that some of the files came from one-file mp3 and cue file, and then cut to individual files without reencoding by some brute force tool, but without rewriting complete file stream. But I could be wrong.