Again I don’t think you’re searching closely enough. Here’s an example of one Sat/IP tuner which doesn’t run into the hundreds of €. In fact I doubt it would set you back much more than you paid for the Hauppauge stick. I’ve mentioned it here before so a search of this this forum will yield results
scorpionbleu -
June 28, 2024 at 10:14 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
Interesting, thanks. I didn't search for things like this because I wasn't aware they existed and I believed a Hauppauge tuner would work. I think for sure I'll be returning the Hauppauge and trying something like this (this one is out of stock).
Interesting, thanks. I didn't search for things like this because I wasn't aware they existed and I believed a Hauppauge tuner would work. I think for sure I'll be returning the Hauppauge and trying something like this (this one is out of stock).
Firstly it does help to know what you’re looking for. Research the concept first so you’ll know what products to search for.
That particular tuner I linked to is no longer manufactured but you may find surplus stock on sale from resellers on the web. Again a good search should yield results. It’s annoying when resellers don’t mark their listings as sold out.There are alternatives out there too. Same manufacturer twice the price but you’re getting double bang for your buck. Four inputs instead of two and a few extras too…-with-DLNA.html
Here’s another listing for the Digibit TwinTELESTAR DIGIBIT Twin Compact Sat-to-IP routerCompact Sat-to-IP router to supply up to 2 participants with free HDTV and radio programs from a
Alternatively you could offload the DVBS server to something like a Raspberry Pi and a known working DVBS USB tuner along these lines and serve this to your LE system or just use Kodi on the Raspberry Pi. You’ve got to thing outside the box here -
When you can't get good Linux drivers I stick with my general recommendation for non-haters reading this to try Windows since many people have access at home to a free or nearly-free old PC that support most tuners. You can even install a clean Windows run headless, without a license (many cheap PCs even include a BIOS based license ). I know some people complain about stability but I have a 17 year old headless Vista system that replaced a Linux MythTV setup that still sleeps, responds to WOL and wakes up daily for EPG updates and test recordings 10 and it transcodes better than a current RPi.
Please no Windows vs Linux discussion needed, my main PVR backend and most test systems I have are Linux based and they are quite reliable too but Linux is just not for everyone. LE clients don't care what the backend runs.
When you can't get good Linux drivers I stick with my general recommendation for non-haters reading this to try Windows since many people have access at home to a free or nearly-free old PC that support most tuners. You can even install a clean Windows run headless, without a license (many cheap PCs even include a BIOS based license ). I know some people complain about stability but I have a 17 year old headless Vista system that replaced a Linux MythTV setup that still sleeps, responds to WOL and wakes up daily for EPG updates and test recordings 10 and it transcodes better than a current RPi.
Please no Windows vs Linux discussion needed, my main PVR backend and most test systems I have are Linux based and they are quite reliable too but Linux is just not for everyone. LE clients don't care what the backend runs.
I assume you’re not still running Vista and if you are it is completely isolated from the outside world.
There’s no need to discuss Windows here. This is a forum for a Linux based application. In fact it’s a complete non discussion.
After the infamous shim sbat fiasco that Microsoft introduced that screwed dual booting on the 13th August I would be gladl not to see the W word mentioned here at all. -
Thanks very much for the Telestar links. I had come across the quad input device (and the Kathrein equivalent) and it was more than I could justify spending to use the last (4th) LNB slot I have spare -- in a guest room --, for those rare occasions when I want to make an additional simultaneous DVBS recording*.
I hadn't come across the latter (Digibit Twin) despite searching fairly extensively. A search on this site on "Sat>IP" and "Sat to IP" etc yielded very little, and searches on eBay, Amazon, AliExpress etc. weren't sufficiently informative. I have yet to find an explanation of MARS firmware for GTMedia boxes eg, or come across any mention of their being used with TVHeadend client; advice on any similar box that supports Sat>IP welcome. A Pi running LibreElec with a USB tuner would be my default but I couldn't find any Linux compatible USB tuners without drawbacks (the Sundteks eg) and certainly not the ones mentioned on the raspberry pi site.
As for Windows: my living room PVR is also an ex Vista box (dating from 2007) that has had a new fanless motherboard and (totally silent) PSU--years ago. It too was briefly a MythTV machine and has been running LibreElec and TVHeadend for a long time.
I'd prefer to stay out of the surveillance economy and minimise my electricity consumption and need for subscriptions (eg to IPTV providers or Netflix etc). In a house that's been 100% open source for years Windows is a variable I don't really need, just as I don't need any Apple stuff. I don't waste energy hating either.
Update: I've ordered the Telestar Twin.
*I have a quad LNB with coax to TV and LibreElec PVR (2) and an Enigma2 box (1; a ZGemma H7S in a room with a single satellite connection); so currently only 2 simultaneous recordings are possible. I v rarely need more but it has happened occasionally. 1080p is all I need.
There’s no need to discuss Windows here. This is a forum for a Linux based application. In fact it’s a complete non discussion.
I was not asking either of you to run Windows my comment is still valid for users with open minds reading this looking for alternatives to non working tuners. Integration does not mean everything in your home must run pure open source Linux and not Windows, macOS or Apple/Android tablets. There are plenty of LE users who to access backends that are running Windows for their shares or severs like Emby, Jellyfin, Plex, PVR (Media Portal, NextPVR) and DLNA as examples and to suggest otherwise is just ridiculous.
No my Vista is not used for anything but PVR testing but I consider it well protected for Internet issues. I would consider that buying any generic network device for SAT>IP on ebay running god knows what OS version with no updates is potentially more risky.
For power if you want a 24 hour non-transcoding solution I don't think you can beat a generic arm32/aarch64 device like the RPi but there are limits to a 3A power source needed for USB tuners, hard disks, external 2.5Gb networking etc. With better power supplies I think a NUC or PC running x64 Linux or Windows will have similar power drain but the power management of Windows is going to better. I am a PCIe fan so my server requirements are slightly different and when moving to Linux from Windows 5 years ago I had to give up on letting my system sleep because my internal and external Hauppauge tuners and my USB connections were never correct.
Thanks very much for the Telestar links. I had come across the quad input device (and the Kathrein equivalent) and it was more than I could justify spending to use the last (4th) LNB slot I have spare -- in a guest room --, for those rare occasions when I want to make an additional simultaneous DVBS recording*.
I hadn't come across the latter (Digibit Twin) despite searching fairly extensively. A search on this site on "Sat>IP" and "Sat to IP" etc yielded very little, and searches on eBay, Amazon, AliExpress etc. weren't sufficiently informative. I have yet to find an explanation of MARS firmware for GTMedia boxes eg, or come across any mention of their being used with TVHeadend client; advice on any similar box that supports Sat>IP welcome. A Pi running LibreElec with a USB tuner would be my default but I couldn't find any Linux compatible USB tuners without drawbacks (the Sundteks eg) and certainly not the ones mentioned on the raspberry pi site.
As for Windows: my living room PVR is also an ex Vista box (dating from 2007) that has had a new fanless motherboard and (totally silent) PSU--years ago. It too was briefly a MythTV machine and has been running LibreElec and TVHeadend for a long time.
I'd prefer to stay out of the surveillance economy and minimise my electricity consumption and need for subscriptions (eg to IPTV providers or Netflix etc). In a house that's been 100% open source for years Windows is a variable I don't really need, just as I don't need any Apple stuff. I don't waste energy hating either.
Update: I've ordered the Telestar Twin.
*I have a quad LNB with coax to TV and LibreElec PVR (2) and an Enigma2 box (1; a ZGemma H7S in a room with a single satellite connection); so currently only 2 simultaneous recordings are possible. I v rarely need more but it has happened occasionally. 1080p is all I need.
You’ll see how easy it is to interact with the Digibit Twin as soon as you power it up. Instantly available to TVHeadend and no looking for drivers or firmware or worrying about version numbers to get it working. It’s available to all clients on the same network too. Users just don’t have the time nor the patience to trawl endless forums to get their tuners working these days. Of course some do relish the challenge though.
Thanks very much for the Telestar links. I had come across the quad input device (and the Kathrein equivalent) and it was more than I could justify spending to use the last (4th) LNB slot I have spare -- in a guest room --, for those rare occasions when I want to make an additional simultaneous DVBS recording*.
I hadn't come across the latter (Digibit Twin) despite searching fairly extensively. A search on this site on "Sat>IP" and "Sat to IP" etc yielded very little, and searches on eBay, Amazon, AliExpress etc. weren't sufficiently informative. I have yet to find an explanation of MARS firmware for GTMedia boxes eg, or come across any mention of their being used with TVHeadend client; advice on any similar box that supports Sat>IP welcome. A Pi running LibreElec with a USB tuner would be my default but I couldn't find any Linux compatible USB tuners without drawbacks (the Sundteks eg) and certainly not the ones mentioned on the raspberry pi site.
The Sundtek Tuners (eg. Single / Dual DVB-S2/S2X USB) are well supported and libreelec even has a sundtek plugin included. And according to customers the Tuners also work with ZGemma STBs
STB Support requires some additional software which is included in the driver package. -
I quit Windows more than a decade ago and would prefer not to have anything to do with it. Is there any way I can get a 0461?? (from Hauppague?) I mean, I just bought the thing on Amazon and presumably I can return it if it simply doesn't work as advertised. Problem is I don't know what else I can buy that would work. Suggestions welcome.
it is a pitty that someone like PJO4 is asking to use a hardware under linux, and the answer is -> use windows instead.
It is clear the the hardware ID 2013:0462 is shown in lsusb and all the kernel sources needs to have a 0461 to identify the hardware and reloads the firmware. The fact that 0462 is given, no identification takes place and therefore nothing will be loaded.
In the manufacture informations about HAUPAUGE and PCTV (which are obviously using the same chipsets), they are using the same hardware chipsets as the former version 461. I'm pretty sure the driver and firmware will work as well, IF the 0462 identification is working and uses the same driver as the 0461.
How it is possible to let the OS react on this new hardware.
I'm using the same HAUPAUGE andPCTV stick with the same problem like PJO4 and I'm using it on a raspberry 3 and raspberry 4. I have tried this with the actual libreelec 12.02 and mld ( ) in release 5.4 and 6.5 .
This is everywhere the same root cause. The hardware isn't identified because of a new identifier.
I do not want to use a different hardware, because I plan to use a raspberry in my camper with a satellite dish, because the IPTV stream usage is much high and use the whole download resources in less than 5 days.
Does anyone knows about a trick to make the identification possible for 2013:0462 ??
Regards and thanks in advance
This is everywhere the same root cause. The hardware isn't identified because of a new identifier.
It is a new identifier but it is also new internal h/w if you follow this parallel thread [x86-64] WinTV-Nova-S2 USB DVB-S2 Tuner I guess the good news is there is a potential for a kernel patch…g-archive-extra eventually.