[RPi5] LE 12.0.0 and NTFS HDD Problem

  • Hello everyone.

    With LibreElec I'm stuck on a nightly build of 12.0 beta published at the end of February because of the exact problem about NTFS on USB drives described in this thread. Until 5-6 weeks ago I used to try sometimes to upgrade to a 13.0 fresh nightly build, but nothing to do, everything crashed first or after.

    Has the situation got better now? I saw a fresh update with a new linux kernel with ntfs driver updated in the release notes...

    Thanks in advance

  • Fantastic, chewitt: with this release no more crashes after using the drives with the notebook to write something on.

    Only one thing: without a scandisk /f from Windows, it seems that the drive is not recognized anymore, as usual from when the new NTFS driver has been adopted. This was expected, am I right?

  • The patch resolves a specific issue with the 16K page size in the RPi kernel. It doesn't change any of the other stupidity that is seen with NTFS devices. If the filesystem is marked dirty for any reason you still need to clear that from Windows.

  • Exact same problem and was already going to revert to 11.95 but this really seems promising...

    Haven't used linux (except occasionally raspberry stuff) for years. So asking really basic stuff here (since I could not even google how to get libreelec to boot into command line if I attach a keyboard :) ).

    Is the 2024.06.17 LibreELEC-RPi5.aarch64-12.80.0.tar in the testing directory now a 4K version?

    Assume I manage to boot into a command line or ssh in...

    Can I switch in the 4K version using what commands? tomybyte had some wgets in an earlier post but I probably need the exact commands especially if I need to mount things or something.

    (curious how to do it, I know I could just install and configure everything from scratch yet again)

  • The RPi4/5 images in my test share use the default 16K pages. I have no plan to create 4K versions as this is no longer required; the images contain the fix patch for the 16K NTFS issue. NB: LE does not boot to a login console (even if a keyboard is attached) unless you add "textmode" to boot params, but this will disable Kodi start. SSH is disabled by default. You can enable SSH in the first-run wizard and then login remotely.

  • chewittif the LibreELEC-RPi5.aarch64-12.80.0.tar now contained the fix patched 16K kernel, the crash problem seems solved now!
    NTFS HDD will be detected after Windows 11 writhing!

    thanks a lot again!

    uname -a
    Linux LibreELEC 6.6.31 #1 SMP Sun Jun  2 11:58:09 UTC 2024 aarch64 GNU/Linux

    touch /storage/.update/.nocompat
    cd /storage/.update
    wget https://chewitt.libreelec.tv/testing/LibreELEC-RPi5.aarch64-12.80.0.tar

    uname -a
    Linux LibreELEC 6.6.33 #1 SMP Thu Jun 13 14:57:58 UTC 2024 aarch64 GNU/Linux

  • Had some time trying to get this to work again.

    ssh'd in, did the /storage/.update and wget https://chewitt.libreelec.tv/testing/LibreE…h64-12.80.0.tar

    Attaching a drive now doesn't crash the system and even shows unmounting when removed. But can't see any files on the drive. Huh.

    So wandered off to get a nightly, LibreELEC-RPi5.aarch64-12.0-nightly-20240624-741f8df.img . Not sure if I can just find a tar straight away but the wget got some 2024.06.25 version anyway so that should have been fine.

    Ah bugger, I'll just wait for the next stable release and format an emergence 64G as fat32 meanwhile. I'm getting too old for this (although usually I then get annoyed and read up until I remember how to do things :D ) .

  • The same fix is in the same kernel used in both LE12 and LE13 nightlies. No need to use my images. NB: The 16K page fix has nothing to do with the normal run-of-the-mill stupdity with NTFS filesystems being marked dirty and failing to mount. That still requires you to go fix the drive on Windows before reconnecting to Linux.

  • Just got bit by this, and wasted part of a night. I'd class it as a usability killer that warrants pushing out a stable release immediately.

    If I install a nightly with the fix, will that get automatic updates in the stable channel? I'm setting up a Pi + affected USB Hard drive as a present for someone, and won't be able to maintain it once I give it to them - so probably don't want to leave it on a nightly.