LE12 on RPI5 : freezing issues with USB3 HDD connected

  • Hi everyone,

    I received my RPI5 today, with official case and power supply.

    I installed LE12 stable and I connected my 2 USB HDD (NTFS) on the Pi's USB3 ports.

    Everytime, the PI5 freeze, I have to cut the power and try again, for the same results.

    Tried with the other two ports, same.

    I tried different solutions, as add to my config.txt this line :

    No results.

    Can anyone help me please on this ?

    Thank you !

    • Check all USB drives for errors.
    • Make sure both drives get enough wattage. If it works with one drive, and fails with two, then that case is very likely.

    PS: To get enough wattage for multiple drives, use a USB hub with separate power supply.

  • I have the same. In 11.06 everything worked fine. In 11.09 and 12.0 as soon as i use an USB 3.0 5tb with the raspberry pi 5 the raspberry freezes and when I remove the usb it works again. (i have 5 raspberry PI 5 they all do the same)

    I am back to 11.06 and everything works again or I use Windows 11 PRO that also works fine with the disk on the same PI.

    (i use the usb disk to watch films and series and TV (IPTV))

  • In 11.09 and 12.0 as soon as i use an USB 3.0 5tb with the raspberry pi 5 the raspberry freezes and when I remove the usb it works again. (i have 5 raspberry PI 5 they all do the same)

    Can you install LE 12 on a spare microSD, and replicate the issue? If it's a software issue, then we want to find the bug.

    Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link