I have an external hdd tower with 5 hdds inside. The hdd tower has its own 12V 6.5A power supply and uses a single USB cable to connect to rpi4. I can access media on all 5 drives most of the time, however, the system seems to randomly unmount some of the disks from time to time. The issue is resolved when I unplug the HDD hub from rpi4, plug it into a windows PC (which automatically prompts me to scan hdds for errors), check the disks, gracefully unmount from windows, and then plug back into rpi4. The disks are not damaged or corrupt. All drives are mounted into kodi, and I can watch media sources on all drives.
...until it happens again - without any obvious reason or trigger. Wash, rinse, repeat. I am tired of having to do this unplug/scan for errors/unmount/remount process at random times, and maybe twice a week. Why is this happening?
dmesg output:
kodi log attached (too large for pastebin, and ix.io is down)