LG C3 OLED TV and Libreelect on the Pi4b - PC Mode Issue

  • I have just upgraded my TV as per the title. When I boot Libreelect 11.03 on my Pi4b the TV detects it as PC mode and disables most of the AI video enhancements that improve picture quality. It states that these features are not available in PC mode.

    Now if I go to the TV Home Hub page on the LG remote, then options, edit inputs and change the input that the Pi4-Libreelect is already plugged into, to identify it as say a streaming box or just a generic hdmi, pc mode is disabled on the TV and I then have all the TV video enhancements available. Great....

    However if I then power down the Pi4b-Libreelect, the next boot, or reboot for that matter, the TV again detects it as PC mode and disables the AI video enhancements. This is even though the options in the TV home hub have not changed and still mark that input as say a Streaming Box. I then have to edit that home hub option again and toggle it to anything else and back to Streaming Box to force the TV out of PC mode.

    It seems like the TV is either not honouring the ident in the home hub setting when I make it not as a PC and/or Libreelect is sending the TV an ident at boot that it is a PC. I cannot figure if this is a LG TV bug or if it just needs a Libreelect config adjustment.

  • I'm not sure what a Home Hub is? but if something is connected between the Pi and the TV, remove it and connect them direct to prove the connection works as expected without it. If it does, you can point fingers at the Hub device. If not, I would try a different HDMI socket on the LG as sometimes TVs are preconfigured for a certain content type on certain sockets. If that makes a difference: a) you have a workaround, b) you can point fingers at the TV firmware. LE does not otherwise send any HDMI content-type signalling that would cause the TV to detect/change something so there is nothing to adjust. The sole exception is when HDR media is being played, when we flag the Cinema (not Game) HDR profile. There is no equivalent flagging for non-HDR modes.

  • I use Pi 4 (& 5) with LG Oled (65CX), i dont see that problem. Anyway most of the "enhancements" are better left turned off as they dont improve anyting.

  • The home hub is a page on the TV where you can change what each of the hdmi inputs have connected to them, such as dvd player, streaming box, pc, home theatre, console etc. Since I set the hdmi input of the pi4 to be something other than a PC, the TV enables the AI video options but it reverts back to pc mode on the pi4 reboot despite still retaining the correct ident in the hub page. The TV just ignores this setting on pi4 reboot.

    I mostly wanted the Tru Motion option (Cinematic mode) and some of the mpeg AI improvements on LOW. It does feel like this issue is more of an LG 'feature'. Why LG cannot honour what input type is set to seems baffling logically.

    I have sent a support to LG so we will see what they say. Thank-you for the replies.

  • I've seen a similar issue on a Samsung TV. Usually, when a HDMI source device is powered down - the TV still detects that something is plugged in to the HDMI port. But some devices stop being detected when powered down, on the next boot TV "thinks" that a new device has been connected and some HDMI-related settings reset to defaults. As a workaround, you can try to connect the Pi to TV via a self-powered HDMI splitter/switch/extender.

  • dmsaudio Did you find a solution? I'm having the same problem with my LG G4. So right now, I have to do the above mentioned Home Hub thing after every cold boot.

    In PC mode the 24Hz stutter is worse than in e.g. Blu-ray Player Mode, even with all motion interpolation turned off.

    While I keep image enhancements off for the sake of accuracy, I definitely need subtle motion interpolation (2/10) to overcome the 24Hz stutter. Never knew I was motion sensitive when I had a 60Hz panel Samsung for 10 years. Now with low response times on contemporary panels, watching movies at 24-30Hz is unbearable without some interpolation.