Rpi4 Keeps Changing Inputs & Turning TV On

  • I'm running LE12 nightlies, and noticed a weird behavior I haven't really seen before, and I am not sure when it started happening.

    I will have my Pi4 on, just idling on the main page when it boots. I will play around with the Pi4 and then decide I want to come back to it later. I switch inputs on my TV to watch YouTube TV or something on my Roku. I will be watching something, and then all of a sudden (no specified amount of time when this happens) my pi will just automatically switch inputs back to the input it's on. At first I thought maybe I was sitting on my remote, or one of my kids was accidentally hitting a button on the keyboard, but that wasn't it. It just randomly switched. I was watching a football game, and then bam, the TV said input 3 and there was the Kodi screen. Also had this while watching a show on Paramount+. I Was watching a TV show and then about an hour in our two, the the pi went to input 3.

    The other behavior I hadn't seen until last night was that after I got done with Monday night football on the Roku, I powered the TV off with the Roku remote, set it down, started putting things away, and before I got to powering off the pi from the power button on the cord, the TV turned on and was on input 3 with the main Kodi screen. It was like the pi automatically turned my TV back on.

    I don't know if anyone else has seen these two behaviors, but I have no idea when and why it started. The first is kind of annoying when you're watching TV and then your pi decides to cut your show off and then switch inputs automatically. I don't know if there is a display setting, but I have no idea how to fix it.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Hi,

    A good starting point could be to take a look at the CEC settings:

    Settings -> System -> Input -> Peripherals -> CEC Adapter.

    It's a posibility your RPi have random reboots, and thru HDMI-CEC to "grab" the TV input when the LE starting.

    If you don't use the CEC (control the Kodi with the TV remote), better to disable it completelly.

    Another thing is why your RPi have random reboots (if have it...)...

  • I’d say a good starting point would be to provide full logs for your system.

    If the CEC settings don’t work, I will get full logs.

    I will take a look at the settings. I don’t think it has random reboots, but if the settings don’t fix it, I will get a log to see if there are reboots.

    No, I don’t control it with a remote. All I use is a keyboard once it’s on. Shutdown with power option, then turn off the pi with button on power cable.

    Edited once, last by quickstang: Merged a post created by quickstang into this post. (October 9, 2023 at 4:20 PM).

  • So I disabled CEC this morning and had the pi on the addons screen. I let it idle (have a screensaver set) and about 1.5hrs later give or take 15 or 20 min it rebooted. So I will need to get a log. I was running the latest nightly.