Cannot connect to Kodi

  • Hi, my earlier thread seems to have gone: in essense my internet connection to LE/Kodi has failed since the latest update. I've flashed new installs on both RPi3 and 4 with the same result so it's not the Raspberrys. It is not a wifi issue either as I'm using ethernet.

    In my last post I was asked to send a log. I've borrowed a laptop so I can read the instructions of how to make a log and run the RPi4 on my main PC screen.

    The last thread that has gone gave a link on how to make and post a log. Could another Mod please repost it?

    Many thanks :shy:

  • Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • RPi boards have no real-time-clock (RTC) hardware so 'dateTime' in the OS initially starts from the libc release date (in the LE image you're using this is a date in Febuary 2023) and then once the network is up an NTP request to time servers corrects dateTime. At least, that's what's supposed to happen. In your case boot looks normal and I can see the board gets an IP, but NTP isn't resetting dateTime so the clock remains in Febuary, and this means any website/service that presents a TLS certificate with a start date newer than the OS clock is seen to be in the future and invalid, which renders that website/service inaccessible; and this can be seen in the logs.

    It's unclear why the NTP request is failing, but that's the cause of the issue. The workaround is to set the correct date/Time using the "date" command via SSH, but this will not be persistent over a reboot due to the lack of RTC chip on the RPi board.

    Some ISPs seem to block NTP requests to servers, in which case another can be configured and used via the LE settings add-on or through 'connmanctl' (the connection manager utility). Many routers will also respond to an NTP request.

  • Thanks. So is there a perminent workaround or am I f**ked. I have no ablity with SSH and if you can guide me with the date command. I can keep the raspberry going without turning off. Of course I can still see the files on my server - I can live without the metadata I guess but a big drag.

    I'm amazed I'm the only Raspberry/Kodi user to have this issue - perhaps I'm the only one using PLDT (Philippines Long Distance Telephone).

    Further help/assistance so very much appreciated.

    Cheers, John

  • Have you tried enabling the "Wait for network"-feature?

    Probably the responsible service asks for the sync before the network is up and don't ask afterwards?!

  • NTP is handled within ConnMan so making Kodi wait for network up won't have any effect.

    I'd suggest setting a different NTP server in LE settings (an IP for or your local router) and seeing what happens.