USB not mounted - LibreElec 11.0.1 for Rpi4

  • Hi,

    I have an Raspberry Pi 4 in Argon One M.2 case and I want to store my datas in an external drive.

    I choose a SSD 1 TB with USB case ( + but I can't browse my drive.

    I can navigate to ./media/ssd_samsung_evo_270/ but no further.

    In the other messages, power supply is the first point raised.

    But my case has a power supply of 18 W (5V - 3.5 A) and should therefore be sufficient.

    Have you an idea ?

  • You don’t mention how you have it formatted.

  • It's formated in exFat, from Windows (I have files larger than 4 GB and the disk must be able to be read from another system).

    I tested from RasperryPi OS and the disk is readable if you install the associated "fuse exfat" package.

  • It's formated in exFat, from Windows (I have files larger than 4 GB and the disk must be able to be read from another system).

    I tested from RasperryPi OS and the disk is readable if you install the associated "fuse exfat" package.

    I think you already know your answer so. Windows and Linux file systems as you know don’t play well together and clearly LE is a minimalist Linux OS. If you need Windows compatibility that badly why not use Kodi for Windows.

  • The idea is to use the Raspberry Pi for a low-consumption media center, hence my choice of LibreElec given the hardware involved.

    As for the file system, it must be able to store files larger than 4 GB.

    If there's really no possibility, I'll turn to ArchLinux, which includes the latest version of Kodi in its repositories.

  • I have 27 3,5" HDD (142TB) connected to 4 Pi4, all disks are NTFS, after several months i had zero issues so far.

    Wtf, are you running a data centre or a server farm. I wouldn’t like to see your electricity bill.

    While you are successfully using NTFS formatted drives with LE on a Pi4 you are probably very much in a minority here. A quick search of the forum here would verify that.

    The idea is to use the Raspberry Pi for a low-consumption media center, hence my choice of LibreElec given the hardware involved.

    As for the file system, it must be able to store files larger than 4 GB.

    If there's really no possibility, I'll turn to ArchLinux, which includes the latest version of Kodi in its repositories.

    Well my initial suggestion would have been to turn to a Linux based solution other than LE but with the mention of Windows compatibility i thought that this was another Windows user just wanting LE to be a Windows application.

    Yes as mentioned above it is possible to use a Windows friendly formatted drive but if you do a little more searching here you’ll quickly see the drawbacks it entails for most.

    Personally I’d have chosen Ubuntu but I assume from your choice of Arch Linux you’re no stranger to Linux. I do vaguely remember having to use an RPI4 specific kernel to get it to boot correctly but they may have all changed since.

    Edited once, last by petediscrete: Merged a post created by petediscrete into this post. (August 14, 2023 at 9:51 PM).

  • Since LE11 we use the exFAT drivers in the kernel (no more need for FUSE) but you'll need to share the URL from "dmesg | paste" with the drive connected for anyone to comment.

  • Personally I’d have chosen Ubuntu but I assume from your choice of Arch Linux you’re no stranger to Linux.

    ArchLinux is the only distribution to include the latest version of Kodi.

    The version provided by Ubuntu is obsolete and the ARM version does not exist on Flathub.

    Since LE11 we use the exFAT drivers in the kernel (no more need for FUSE) but you'll need to share the URL from "dmesg | paste" with the drive connected for anyone to comment.

    Cool !

    How do I enter the command? In SSH?

  • ArchLinux is the only distribution to include the latest version of Kodi.

    The version provided by Ubuntu is obsolete and the ARM version does not exist on Flathub.

    Cool !

    How do I enter the command? In SSH?

    Not exactly the place for this but just add an up to date Kodi PPA for Ubuntu…ppa-ubuntu/amp/

    You can pretty well do this for any flavour of Linux. You’re certainly not restricted to Arch Linux because it’s repos have an up to date version of Kodi.

  • Not exactly the place for this but just add an up to date Kodi PPA for Ubuntu…ppa-ubuntu/amp/

    You can pretty well do this for any flavour of Linux. You’re certainly not restricted to Arch Linux because it’s repos have an up to date version of Kodi

    Note that this PPA only provides builds for Ubuntu i386 and Ubuntu amd64 but not for Ubuntu armhf, which can run on a Raspberry Pi

    For installs that don't directly include and/or boot into Kodi automatically.

    Raspberry Pi OS

    (Current Version - 18.7)

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install kodi
  • I’m getting a headache reading through all your quoted responses. Are you a school teacher by any chance. Remember we are only trying to help here.

    Wikis by nature depend on people updating them, not always being the case. Post on the Kodi forum for the latest update on this situation. It’s constantly changing.

    In the meantime try using OSMC for the full OS experience with Kodi on the RPI as outlined here. It may or may not resolve your original issue.

  • I'm sorry, but this is a problem I've been struggling with for easily 1 year and every time I think I've got the answer, I have a new problem.

    For example OSMC: I've already thought of using it BUT the system has to be installed on an SD card. I do everything from an SSD...

    My goal is to get rid of my x64 PC and use the RaspberryPi (for media-center use), which consumes less power and heats up less.

    The chewitt answer may be the solution, but I don't know why the disk isn't mounted by default, or why I can't explore it.

  • Since LE11 we use the exFAT drivers in the kernel (no more need for FUSE) but you'll need to share the URL from "dmesg | paste" with the drive connected for anyone to comment.


    Sorry for the delay, I was waiting to receive the new USB box.

    Here is the link to the "dmesg | paste" command :

  • Code
    [   52.388210] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Read Capacity(10) failed: Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=DRIVER_OK
    [  215.015888] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Unsupported sector size 67108864.

    The physical drive is detected, but I see ^ those two errors reported and there is a three minute gap between the initial probing and then a disconnect and second probing and there is no attempt to mount filesystems.

    I didn't find anything from some initial Googling on the errors, but things point towards 'geometry' issues. Was the drive formatted under Windows? .. If yes, what was the sector size used? - Do you have any other PCIe > USB cases that can handle the drive?

  • The disk has indeed been formatted from a Windows VM (W10), with the default sector size.

    I don't have any other USB boxes to test. One solution would have been to put it in place of the current drive in the Argon One case, except that at the time, only SATA M.2 support was available. The disk I want to use is in NVME ...