[8.0.2c] LibreELEC 8.0 builds for KI Plus / KII Pro / KI Pro

  • I found also that media_build doesn't compile (at least in 8.0.2b) because of patches that can't be applied. Could you please check that ? I think this is the same for 8.0.2c.

    media_build has non standard build procedure and sometimes there is wrong file caching causing build error. Try submit command

    scripts/clean media_build

    If error is still presented, try once more again clean script.

  • media_build has non standard build procedure and sometimes there is wrong file caching causing build error. Try submit command

    scripts/clean media_build

    If error is still presented, try once more again clean script.

    Hi AFL,

    Thanks a lot for your help. I tried to clean, but I get the same error again and again. I have this problem with 8.0.2a, 8.0.2b and 8.0.2c. I even tried a fresh "git clone".

    Also, could you please have a loot at the other error (concerning package qca9377-aml) ?

    Edited 2 times, last by nmadrane (August 25, 2017 at 3:13 PM).

  • In version 8.0.2c kszaq has included internal dvb driver in his builds. There was little change, he replaced my tuner driver (r848) with cracycat69 media_build version. For testing I prepared version with old tuner driver.


    In this version submitting command lsmod you can can see r848a module.

    Thank you very much!!!

    With this firmware, all the channels work perfectly! The picture no longer freezes!

    Can I do so that would kszaq include this driver in the following firmware ???

  • Hello!
    I've just bought a KI Pro and tried the latest test version by afl1 (24 august), the one which contains fixes for the integrated tuner.

    I'm doing a full scan with TVHeadEnd and I've found that the integrated DVB-T tuner does not detect some channels.

    Using an Abilis AS102 usb stick the number of channels detected is much higher (about 500 channels instead of 400).

    Is it just a driver problem or the integrated Availink chipset is not as good as the Abilis chipset used in my DVB-T usb tuner?

  • I am investigating more and have found that the problem is that many DVB-T muxes fail scanning in TVHeadEnd finding zero services, while using the USB pen I have the same muxes work perfectly.

    The strange thing is that if I use the DVB app installed in the onboard Android, even with all its weaknesses (primarly, many out-of-sync issues), the DVB-T scan using the internal tuner finds all the channels that I don't find in Libreelec! :(

  • Avl6862 driver is derived from an open-source Avl6882 driver which unfortunately also has scanning issues. There is no other driver that can be used in LibreELEC. We cannot use Android driver as it is not available in any form (binary or source) and it wouldn't work with DVBv5 API, i.e. TVHeadend, VDR etc.

  • I am investigating more and have found that the problem is that many DVB-T muxes fail scanning in TVHeadEnd finding zero services, while using the USB pen I have the same muxes work perfectly.

    The strange thing is that if I use the DVB app installed in the onboard Android, even with all its weaknesses (primarly, many out-of-sync issues), the DVB-T scan using the internal tuner finds all the channels that I don't find in Libreelec! :(

    I've had similar issues with my KI Pro. Mine couldn't find any channels on the muxes 777.833mhz and and 745.833mhz but manually changing them to 778mhz and 746mhz allowed it to find the channels. My TV and old USB dongle have no problems.

  • Hi,

    I am using the latest version of VDR, vdr-plugin-dvbapi and VNSI. Everything works great with unencrypted channels. But when I try to zap to an encrypted channel I get the following log in VDR :

    Aug 26 11:22:33 LibreELEC vdr[2843]: [3007] DVBAPI: 0.0 set CAM decrypt (SID 830 - Pastebin.com

    I asked the author of the vdr-plugin-dvbapi and he told me that the problem is in the following line :

    "CA_PMT doesn't contain CA descriptors"

    When I use TVHEADEND, it works : it connects to my OSCAM and succesfully decodes the stream. But the same OSCAM with VDR doesn't work. Actually this is not a problem of VDR/OSCAM connection. The problem is way before that : VDR has a problem decoding the CA_PMT stuff. The author of vdr-plugin-dvbapi that maybe the signal is bad. But I am using the same antenna in both cases (VDR and TVHEDEND), so this is not the problem.

    This AVL6882 driver is not compatible with w_scan and VDR is not able to scan channels with this driver. So I am using a channels.conf files from the Internet (from http://channelpedia.yavdr.com).

    So, the fact that the DVB driver is somehow incompatible with the scanning part of VDR could explain why I have this problem ? Or is this a completely different issue ? As I said unencrypted channels work perfectly.

    Any idea please ?

  • I had similar problem with my VDR, finally I asked developer of dvbapi plugin for VDR. Here You can read it:

    GitHub Ticket

    Hi piotrekcrash,

    Which VDR are you using ? I am playing with 2.2.0.

    Also, in your case it works right after reboot and also if you quickly switch between encrypted channels. In my case, it never works event if the connection to OSCAM is ok (I can see the user 'vdr' connected in the webif of oscam).

    If afl or kszaq confirm that this issue has nothing to do with the AVL6862 driver implementation, then I will move my question to a more VDR specific forum.

    Edited once, last by nmadrane (August 30, 2017 at 1:35 PM).

  • Avl6862 driver is derived from an open-source Avl6882 driver which unfortunately also has scanning issues.

    Thanks kszaq

    Is this an ongoing open-source development for this driver ?

    My Googling found crazycat in numerous searches doing development but nothing recent.

    I'm at a standstill with 7Mhz DVB-T scans finding no services.

    Thanks again.

  • The open-source driver was originally written for TBS5520 and later adapted by afl1 for Avl6862.

    Credit to afl1

    I have seen his efforts and work on TV-Headend forums.

    I don't know whether there is any development ongoing for the driver, perhaps crazycat can answer this.

    Having a 1080p TV i am more than happy with the picture and running of LE.

    I purchased the Inbuilt Tuner Boxes (signature) as it is a really good option for my use.

    I'll keep watching development of the builds and see what happens with this Tuner.

    The Cheap Winsat s905d box runs really well except for the Tuner Scan issue.:)