Thoradia Add-ons

  • S905 switched from aarch64 to arm with
    I am attempting a rebuild against
    Thank you for your patience.

    Just an FYI

    Arm addons from other cortex-a9 CPUs will work on the 32bit variant, so you can compile addons for wetek core for example and they will work on the 32bit platform.

    We do this with the official addons so we don't have to compile all the addons for every platform.

    ie. Odroid c2, wetek hub and Wetek play 2 all use the same addons. We just use a forwarder in nginx but you could simply copy the directories also.

  • Just an FYI

    Arm addons from other cortex-a9 CPUs will work on the 32bit variant, so you can compile addons for wetek core for example and they will work on the 32bit platform.

    We do this with the official addons so we don't have to compile all the addons for every platform.

    ie. Odroid c2, wetek hub and Wetek play 2 all use the same addons. We just use a forwarder in nginx but you could simply copy the directories also.

    Thank you fot the heads-up, lrusak.
    Maybe repo-tools could be updated with the script you use to compile the official add-ons.
    Incidentally, repo-tools breaks for imx6.

  • Deluge may start before required name resolution is operational.
    To fix, create file /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.deluge/ to contain line sleep 5 and restart/reboot
    The start deamon button of connection manager is inoperative at the moment

    Both issues should now be fixed

  • I installed the queeup repo (LE 7.9/8). it installed subliminal succefully, but in fact few elements seems to be missing :(

    LibreELEC:~/.kodi/addons/shell.python.subliminal/bin # ./subliminal --version
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./subliminal", line 9, in <module>
        from subliminal.cli import subliminal
    ImportError: No module named subliminal.cli

    arghh !!! I found the solution ...

    LibreELEC:~/.kodi/addons/shell.python.subliminal/bin # nano subliminal

    set this line (change xbmc to kodi):


    and go !!!

    thanks !

    Edited once, last by Koxx (January 13, 2017 at 11:28 PM).

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to test Thoradia addons in Odroid 2 with LE 8 rb-beta1g (from Hardkernel) but seems like repositorie is broken:

    Any idea what is wrong?


    Edited once, last by were55 (January 14, 2017 at 12:13 AM).

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to test Thoradia addons in Odroid 2 with LE 8 rb-beta1g (from Hardkernel) but seems like repositorie is broken:

    Any idea what is wrong?


    Add-ons have not yet been built for 8.1/Odroid_C2/arm, because it is not an official project.
    If you tell me where to find the source of that LE project, I will build the add-ons.

    Edited once, last by thoradia (January 14, 2017 at 7:28 AM).

  • Thank you for the feedback.
    Add-ons for latest Odroid_C2 arm have been added, but not yet tested.
    Please report if they work or not.

    Hi Thoradia, thanks, I will tested tonight and let you know. Yesterday I tested the ones for official image and they are working great, now I have a precedent.

    thanks again

  • Hi Thoradia,

    still with some problems:


    20:11:32.512 T:4111915024 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting addons://service.thoradia/
    20:11:32.512 T:4111915024 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(addons://service.thoradia/) failed
    20:11:39.480 T:4024427424 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 404 for addons.xml.md5
    20:11:39.480 T:4024427424 ERROR: Open - failed to open source <addons.xml.md5>
    20:11:39.480 T:4024427424 ERROR: CRepository: failed read '…/addons.xml.md5'


  • Oops, I had forgotten to create addon.xml.
    It should be fixed now.
    Thank you for the feedback.


    Now is working fine, I've tested Deluge, CP and SR, excellent job, thanks. One question, are this apps updated by itself? Can I post it in Hardkernel forum?


  • Thoradia,

    Now is working fine, I've tested Deluge, CP and SR, excellent job, thanks. One question, are this apps updated by itself? Can I post it in Hardkernel forum?


    Great! Thank you for the positive feedback.

    Some apps can be updated from their web-ui, others can't.
    If you think an app needs an update, let me know, I will see what I can do.

    You can try to post the github repository (this link: GitHub - thoradia/thoradia: Add-ons for LibreELEC) wherever you want.
    If the forum administrators let you is another question.

  • Hi Thorada. First of all great work!

    I was very happy to get couchpotato running on a 905 (runs great) but now it seems that couchpotato itself is becoming almost impossible to be used for torrents. An alternative was recently started based on Sonarr: GitHub - Radarr/Radarr: A fork of Sonarr to work with movies à la Couchpotato. wich seems to work quite well already.

    Do you have any plans in including this? (I haven't really studied the sources yet, but as it is based on Sonarr, it should be possible I think)