Settings\Event Log button replaced with LibreElec button

  • I did a quick search but I couldn't find anything reporting the same. Hopefully I'm not wasting your time with my poor search skills.

    In LibreElec 11.0 (Generic) the Event Log button that appears in the top right corner of Settings (see the Kodi Wiki for a screenshot) has been replaced by the LibreElec settings button. I'm quite certain my memory notes that wasn't the case in 10.x. I've checked with a freshly created USB (11.0 generic) booted in live mode and it is the same.

    Kodi 20.1 Windows shows that Event Log button as pictured in the wiki -- in the top right corner.

    You can still access the Event Log from the System submenu though, so the functionality is still there. So it's largely cosmetic and a small chance of confusion for those less experienced users that might be confused by the conflict with what is shown in Kodi's wiki

    Does anyone running on 11 Legacy or 11 RPi or other platforms note the same?

    Was this an intentional design change by the LibreElec development team?

    For sure a very small niggle, and it's just me being curious. But I thought I'd ask.
