Wake on lan bug? Gets triggered even when NAS is already powered one

  • Setup:

    RPI4s with LE 10.95.0 11.0

    SQL shared library

    Mariadb: 10.3.32-MariaDB

    I think there is a problem with the Wake on Lan feature in LE.

    I recently upgraded my Libreelec clients to the the 10.95.0 version. Database was migrated successfully and was able to start/stop movies. However I started to notice when I watched a movie or tv-show and it ended it took a very long time to get back to the Kodi GUI. Also when I started a movie/tv I noticed a popup window showing up with the text 'Connecting to network' with a progression bar. After ~10-15secs the movie/tv show finally started to play and I could watch it from start to end without problems. This behavior started since the upgrade and older versions never showed this behavior

    I turned off the WoL feature and every movie/tv show plays immediately and when stopping it goes straight back to the main menu.

    It seems that the WoL feature is being triggered all the time even when my NAS is already turned on.

  • I've no idea how the feature works, but programattically, how do you expect Kodi to know that the remote device is already turned on?

    I have no clue.

    The only thing I can say and confirm before 10.95.0 releases (including older LE version) it worked fine. As in, if my NAS was turned off it would sent a WoL package when LE turns on, if it was already turned on I had no issues with starting or stopping the movies (instant start and stop).

    But now when it's turned I get that message and with a timeout bar. When the video has ended it stays for a long time on the last frame of the video (like it freezes) and eventually goes back to the GUI.

    Turning WoL off in the settings and everything is fine again.

  • Kodi checks the server state by sending ping. If server doesn't respond to it it will wait for some time.

    So if your server doesn't respond on ping or some firewall block it you will get the described situation.

  • But there is no problem with the server ;)

    The NAS is online and as I said when I turn that feature off the video play instantly. And prior to this release I also never had any issues with it.

    Also (said before) I watch movie from begin to end without any problems when the movie is finished and I press 'stop' it takes a long time before going back to the GUI. (if I can watch a movie from begin to end it rules out that I have connection problems). Turn that feature off and my videos instantly play or stop.

    Edited once, last by Raven (February 18, 2023 at 4:33 PM).

  • Post Kodi debug log and you will see message there that ping is not successful. So the ping request can't be send from your LE device or it doesn't come back to the device. And in this case you will see temporary freeze of Kodi.

  • Nope, nothing.

    But nvm I give up...
    Tried to explain several times there is not a problem with my network or LE client or Nas. When I turn this feature off I don't see that message at all. Also movies start playing INSTANTLY and when I stop them at the end it's also INSTANTLY. Something is of with the WoL feature in this release because before upgrading I didn't had any issues at all and was probable on for 2-3 major releases ago. Also multiple clients experienced it with.

  • And I tried to explain the reason for this issue (tested myself). If you don't understand than I can't help more. When WOL feature is enabled and Kodi doesn't get ping response it will stall before playback start. When ping response is got it will play instantly. All this would be explained in the log which you don't provide. So happy using WOL disabled :)

    I don't know if this happens also with old releases because I didn't test them and I will not do it either.