OpenATV vs. Subtitles

  • If Windows & VLC can display synchronized Teletext Subtitles, LibreELEC & Kodi should do it too if implemented in its code ?

    As I posted above - Kodi does pay Teletext subtitles synchronised.

    I can get the subtitles in your file to play fine in Kodi. They play back synchronised with the audio and video, you just access them via the teletext menu, as they are teletext subtitles.

    If you want to raise an issue on the Kodi GitHub explaining what doesn't work that you think should work - that's how Kodi gets improved.

    Not sure what your windows comment relates to though - there's no inherent support for teletext subtitles within Windows now Windows Media Center has been removed. Windows Media Player doesn't have support AFAIK.

    Edited 2 times, last by noggin (January 14, 2023 at 9:36 AM).

  • Just installed a fresh nightly of LE on a Pi 4B and can confirm that there are teletext subtitles available when playing the uploaded file on a Pi 4B, accessed via the Teletext menu.

    I've checked BBC DVB-S2 off-air recordings I've made of transport streams and they show the DVB Subtitles in the Kodi subtitles menu, but you have to go to Teletext and select 888 (the UK subtitles page standard) to get the teletext subtitles to display. The OP's recording has only teletext subtitles.

    TV Headend does something clever with it's live streams that allows both DVB Subtitles and Teletext/WST Subtitles to appear in the subtitle menu when watching Live TV. However with recordings it's back to the teletext menu to get to the teletext subtitles it seems.

  • BTW. I don't know if it's your case but avoid using Tvheadend server 4.3, use release 4.2 instead.

    There's an incompatibility with Kodi so despite the subtitles are present in the stream (and other apps like VLC can display them), Kodi can't sometimes (depends on the stream provider) display them from live stream (playing recorded stream is OK including subtitles) when TvH 4.3 is used.

    Edited once, last by ghtester (January 15, 2023 at 9:53 PM).

  • Thanks ghtester for your advice. I have tested the fix code adding it to advancedsettings.xml in usr/share/kodi/system. Teletext Subtitles appears but disappears after a time of 30 s approximately. OpenATV plays its recordings and displays the DVB Subtitles but with the same behavior that other Linux player : the Subtitles are not synchronised.

    I installed TVHeadend Client on the Raspberry Pi with the ip address as root with password of the Octagon SF8008 and I get the message: No response from TVHeadend backend.

    Edited once, last by dmht13: Merged a post created by dmht13 into this post. (January 19, 2023 at 1:47 PM).

  • Thanks ghtester for your advice. I have tested the fix code adding it to advancedsettings.xml in usr/share/kodi/system. Teletext Subtitles appears but disappears after a time of 30 s approximately. OpenATV plays its recordings and displays the DVB Subtitles but with the same behavior that other Linux player : the Subtitles are not synchronised.

    I installed TVHeadend Client on the Raspberry Pi with the ip address as root with password of the Octagon SF8008 and I get the message: No response from TVHeadend backend.

    What are you using TV Headend for?

    Slightly confused about what you are saying with respect to the Octagon and passwords.

    If you are using the TV Headend PVR client in Kodi to connect to a TV Headend server - the login and password you enter in the TV Headend PVR client is the login and password you create for a TV Headend account in the TV Headend web gui - which will be :

    http://IP.ADDRESS.OF.TVHEADEND:9981 (i.e. the IP address of the TV Headend server)

    (The login and password you use in Raspberry Pi OS are totally separate to the TV Headend user login and password)

    If you are using TV Headend as an intermediate between your Octagon and your Kodi set-up then you'll need to find a way of adding the channels in your Octagon as IPTV stream in TV Headend I suspect. (Exporting an m3u from your Octagon somehow?)

  • You may give it a try.

    BTW. What I am also experiencing is an occasional EPG corruption on LE running on RPi 4B (some program descriptions are incomplete / screwed up). I have reported it here a long time ago but it's still the same. And it seems this does not happen on the same LE version running on x86 machine. As it is random and I don't have the x86 and RPi 4B devices at the same location, it's hard to compare but I don't remember seeing this issue on x86.

  • I thougth to make the Octagon SF 8008 a TVHeadend server. But I do not know if It will change something.

    Ah - is there an Enigma 2 package to run TV Headend servers on those kinds of receivers? Or are you planning to use the Octagon as a DVB->IP gateways and then use TV Headend server on a secondary computer separate to the Octagon, pulling in the IP streams from the Octagon?

  • Time miss me. I will do something like that. I found a tutorial OpenATV to use Octagon like a server. Exactly what I can do, I do precisely not know. Perhaps knowledges will miss me too.