Looking for help with raspberry pi Zero

  • Hi there. I'm new, and have a bit of a odd question:

    I was wondering if there was a way to download add-ons on a PC, so that I could transfer them ONTO a Libre elec Micro SD card. I hope to installed them in a offline setup once I boot this device up.

    Is this possible? Because I'm running a raspberry Pi zero that has no Wi-fi, And I'm running this in a GPI case; I haven't got the resources or oppertunity to download these otherwise, But if I could get a Add-on, like mGBA, I'll be greatful.

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  • There are also USB hubs with integrated LAN ports available very cheaply now - saves you the hassle of buying an additional wifi or ethernet dongle and you probably need a USB hub anyway with the zero if you want to use keyboard, gamepads, USB HDDs/pendrives/... with it.

    so long,


  • I'm sory about the confusion, It's just my Raspberry Pi zero has no internet or bluetooth connectivity. Normally, I'd login with my Wi-fi then download Emulators. But Seen as I have no wi-fi on my RPI0, I'm looking for a way to download it first & foremost.

  • You can download the add-on zips (and dependencies) from the repo, but the repo webserver deliberately blocks "browsing" from non-LibreELEC devices so you cannot browse from a laptop browser unless you fake the browser user-agent. TL/DR; get a USB hub and WiFi dongle and do it from the GUI 'normally' because it's the easy way.

  • And as one might have figured out by constant searching, You basically need a script name for this alternetive method to work. It seems as though there is no other method besides the two presented, Making my question moot.

    Very good. I was hoping to get a emulator working in a quick & easy way, But it seems doing so might not be quick or easy.

    Chewitt, You have the best response, this answers my question.

    Solution: Either buy a Powered USB box or have Wi-fi built in; Whatever you do avoid the raspberry Pi Zero Non-W.

  • Solution: Either buy a Powered USB box or have Wi-fi built in; Whatever you do avoid the raspberry Pi Zero Non-W.

    I don't know where you got 'Powered USB box' from. If your case gives you access to the Pi Zero's Micro USB port, and the power solution for the case is suitable, then you can use a cheap, non-powered USB hub with integrated Ethernet, such as this :

    Or you can use a Micro USB to USB-A dongle like the one supplied with this kit to allow you to connect a WiFi dongle alone :

    Both are bits of kit I have in my 'useful dongles' box at home for getting non-W Pi Zeros set-up and configured.

  • Well Honestly I just brought a Raspberry Pi 0 W and I plan to use that in my retroflag GPi. Libreelec has become a universal powerhouse as a media center, and I wanted to have that in my pocket.

    I just wanted to play games, Listen to music & watch videos on a portable device.