Orange Pi 4 LTS and LibreELEC

  • Hi!

    I have been using LibreELEC on my RPis successfully for a while now. Due to the unreasonably high prices I was forced to look for a device to use as HT elsewhere and bought a Orange Pi 4 LTS which has been out for almost a year now.

    A couple of months ago there seemed to be problems with this device, have those been fixed already? (I think it was WiFi and Sound)

  • Thanks for the answer! The Pi will arrive in around 3 weeks, I will try the image you suggested.

    Maybe somebody with the same board can give me some insights?

    Over at the armbian project they seem to have incorporated the drivers required for the LTS version I have no idea if this would be of any help for LibreELEC, though.

  • Code
    Right now I'm burning the image in the SD to see if there's any luck...

    nothing... tried 3 random images and they don't work. I don't understand what so many numbers mean in the image

    Edited once, last by deleonkikko: Merged a post created by deleonkikko into this post. (November 7, 2022 at 7:01 PM).

  • So I tried the above mentioned latest image and while it boots, it does not detect the resolution correctly and there is no network found.

    I am at loss on how to proceed here. I tried armbian and indeed, Wifi as well as screen resolution is working, kodi is not working when installed per ppa, though.

    What else can I do?

  • So I tried the above mentioned latest image and while it boots, it does not detect the resolution correctly and there is no network found.

    I am at loss on how to proceed here. I tried armbian and indeed, Wifi as well as screen resolution is working, kodi is not working when installed per ppa, though.

    What else can I do?

    the only thing is to wait...
    I've been with this board for months and I'm still waiting.
    Let's see if at least with the kodi 20 version they implement something on this board for use with multimedia.
    I have the 4 LTS and also the 4 LTS, I bought them to use it only with libreelec and there is no way.
    The only thing left for us if we want to use this board for multimedia is to do it through Android, which I have tried and it works very well, although a bit slow because I am used to libreelec
  • Code
    I was looking at the download website and this caught my attention.
    Orange Pi RK3399 LibreELEC-RK3399.arm-10.95.1-orangepi.img.gz
    This image is for which board, for the normal 4 without the LTS ??? One of the differences I see between them is that one has the 3399 and the other the 3399T. Are there important differences between these two socs ???
    The image can be installed on the LTS but the screen resolution cannot be changed and there is no network connection either.
  • I was able to port LibreELEC to Orange Pi 4 LTS by adding patches for YT8531 and OPi 4 LTS device tree (they can be found here, in sources for manjaro-arm).

    It generally works, 10-bit 4K HEVC plays fine, Atmos 7.1 sound is sent via HDMI, CEC controls work, but there are some issues with HDMI video output, mainly when booting up it can take some time for the TV/monitor to detect signal, and a brief loss of signal when starting and stopping playback. Are such issues known on other RK3399 boards?

    Also, is there some documentation about the build system (except for the basics of make/clean) and guidelines for adding support for a new device? Would such contribution be accepted? I see that other RK3399 devices are the ones supported in the mainline kernel.

  • I'm not aware that RK hardware supports 10-bit output at the moment.

    In any case, I noticed it only on 4K 10-bit HDR HEVC content. I could probably narrow down the exact cause but I'll have to dig through my library to find appropriate examples.

  • Did you, or anyone, find if there is a difference of these 2 mentioned SOCs ?

    I did see some mentioning somewhere regarding RK3399 and the newer (or different) T-model , which is also fitted on the RADXA Rock 4 SE . Something about LE is running weird on the 3399T compared to the "normal" 3399 ?

    Radxa website, or even Google doesn´´ t seem to compare these two models, at all?

    One of the differences I see between them is that one has the 3399 and the other the 3399T. Are there important differences between these two socs ???

  • Edit: I did "find" the other thread, concerning the rk3399 vs rk3399T here:

    easy implement a new board - LibreELEC Forum
    Hi ! I just purchased a ROCK 4 SE which is different from a RADXA ROCK 4 or ROCKPI 4 because in the ROCK 4 SE RK3399-T is used instead of RK3399. Difference is…

    FYI the difference between the two versions of rk3399 , I did find a comparison on radxa´´ s website