Posts by Sace

    So I tried the above mentioned latest image and while it boots, it does not detect the resolution correctly and there is no network found.

    I am at loss on how to proceed here. I tried armbian and indeed, Wifi as well as screen resolution is working, kodi is not working when installed per ppa, though.

    What else can I do?

    Thanks for the answer! The Pi will arrive in around 3 weeks, I will try the image you suggested.

    Maybe somebody with the same board can give me some insights?

    Over at the armbian project they seem to have incorporated the drivers required for the LTS version I have no idea if this would be of any help for LibreELEC, though.


    I have been using LibreELEC on my RPis successfully for a while now. Due to the unreasonably high prices I was forced to look for a device to use as HT elsewhere and bought a Orange Pi 4 LTS which has been out for almost a year now.

    A couple of months ago there seemed to be problems with this device, have those been fixed already? (I think it was WiFi and Sound)