Yesterday I wanted to listen to Spotify again via my Raspi but connecting to the Librespot service no longer works.
The debug log always shows these lines.
INFO <general>: Librespot: [2022-07-31T08:38:05Z INFO librespot_connect::spirc] Fetching autoplay context uri
INFO <general>: Librespot: [2022-07-31T08:38:05Z WARN librespot_connect::spirc] No autoplay_uri found
INFO <general>: Librespot: [2022-07-31T08:38:05Z ERROR librespot_connect::spirc] AutoplayError: MercuryError
INFO <general>: Librespot: [2022-07-31T08:38:05Z INFO librespot_playback::player] Loading <Pfandpiraten> with Spotify URI <spotify:track:5mgEeVcwIezrZD7E5gEdMN>
INFO <general>: Librespot: [2022-07-31T08:38:05Z ERROR librespot_core::channel] channel error: 2 1
INFO <general>: Librespot: [2022-07-31T08:38:05Z ERROR librespot_playback::player] Unable to load encrypted file: ChannelError
INFO <general>: Librespot: [2022-07-31T08:38:05Z WARN librespot_playback::player] Unable to load <SpotifyId { id: 234057738187157726398571298791120724389, audio_type: Track }>
Here is the debug log