Trying to install on a RPi4

  • I am having trouble installing on an RPi4. When I boot I get no HDMI output at all.

    Here is what I have tried so far:

    * Writing the image to the microSD manually - No video

    * Downloading and writing the image using the USB-SD Creator - No video

    * Writing a MicroSD with Raspberry Pi OS - Works fine

    * Installing NOOBs - NOOBs works but once LibreELEC is installed there is no video

    It seems likely the issue is not with my install method but something else.

    Since I am getting no output at all, I am not sure what steps to take to troubleshoot further.

    If anyone has any ideas I would be grateful.

    Edited once, last by dalto (May 8, 2022 at 3:56 PM).

  • Does Raspberry Pi OS run in 4K mode? If not, then it could be an HDMI cable issue. Make sure it's conform to HDMI 2.0 or 2.1 standard.

  • Does Raspberry Pi OS run in 4K mode? If not, then it could be an HDMI cable issue. Make sure it's conform to HDMI 2.0 or 2.1 standard.

    That is an interesting point. All my high-speed cables are upstairs where my wife is sleeping so I will have to wait a bit to test that.

    It occurs to me that I am currently connected to a 1440p monitor. Could that be an issue?