How to install Firefox using Docker

  • Some of their containers are deliberately missing from the 'repo' list but I'm not aware that's one of them. There's no harm in trying to use it .. if it doesn't work just rm the container.

  • but how can i install an image that is not in the repo. can i install it manually? when i connect to libreelec using ssh and try to run something like 'docker' or 'docker --help' there is the message that nothing is installed.

    at the moment i've only installed the not docker itself.

  • This is the SSH command to install docker firefox. I tried this a year ago and it worked.

    docker run -d \

    --name=3000-firefox \

    -e PUID=1000 \

    -e PGID=1000 \

    -e TZ=Europe/Paris \

    -p 3000:3000 \

    -v /storage/.config/dockers/firefox:/config \

    --shm-size="1gb" \

    --restart unless-stopped \


  • Looks like all worked fine. How can i start the image? there is no new addon or so. I guess i have to create a new button and run a command that starts firefox?

  • We don't publish LibreELEC add-ons for all of our images. There isn't an add-on for Firefox at the moment.

    You can manage it via ssh and the cli command posted above.

  • There is no such thing as install when it comes to docker. It runs in a container. So you create a container and start it. That's it.

    "docker create . . ." creates a container

    "docker start . . ." starts a container

    "docker run . . ." is the combination of docker create and start.