LE 10.0.2 for Raspberry Pi does not have English Special Characters

  • Hello,

    I have a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B+ and installed LibreElec 10.0.2. Initial setup went fine up until I went to enter my wifi password and rather than there be special characters such as !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*, instead I had what looked like weird Greek alphabet letters or some other language. This happens anytime I have to use the keyboard, so it seems to be a bug with the language layout or something?

    Also, the website https://libreelec.tv/downloads/raspberry/ currently has the link for Rpi2 download under Raspberry Pi 3.

  • Hello,

    I have a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B+ and installed LibreElec 10.0.2. Initial setup went fine up until I went to enter my wifi password and rather than there be special characters such as !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*, instead I had what looked like weird Greek alphabet letters or some other language. This happens anytime I have to use the keyboard, so it seems to be a bug with the language layout or something?

    Also, the website https://libreelec.tv/downloads/raspberry/ currently has the link for Rpi2 download under Raspberry Pi 3.

    Hello pi2user,

    I think you'll find the "special characters" you're looking for by selecting the [shift] key (the "UP" arrow key) on the virtual keyboard instead of the "special characters" key on that keyboard. Here's a screenshot which may help . . .

    The "Greek alphabet characters" you're seeing display on the virtual keyboard when you select the [special characters] key on this virtual keyboard. I also thought the special characters would be found by selecting that [special characters] key on this keyboard, when I keyed in my WiFi password, but selecting the [shift] key instead when lower case characters were displayed on this virtual keyboard gave me the characters I was looking for as well as the upper case alphabetic characters.

    Also, I believe that the LibreELEC image files for the Raspi 2 and Raspi 3 are the same and the filename for that image file includes "RPi2" in the filename even though it IS for both the Raspi 2 and Raspi 3. The picture of the LibreELEC USB-SD Creator screen on the Downloads page here: https://libreelec.tv/downloads/ does show that the image is the same for the Raspi 2 and Raspi 3 image. I've repeated that screenshot here as well:

    I hope you can now find your needed "special characters" for your WiFi password.