libresolv Compile issue

  • Hi,

    I've tried to build LE from scratch for wetek core and got the following error(should be related to my host lib i guess):

    Any idea?

  • I suspect this problem happen because of -rpath /usr/lib in command line when linking. Rpath is used to add folder for runtime linker but also when locating shared objects included in the link. I assume in this case libressl is installed on your host and it is picked because of this. But usually such incompatible binaries are just skipped. Not sure why this didn't happen in this case.

    Yorker, put this patch file to folder packages/devel/binutils/patches. Remove whole build folder and build whole image again. I think it should fix your issue.

    Please report back if it works or not.

    Edited once, last by vpeter (November 22, 2016 at 10:47 AM).

  • This is a "common" issue with the LE toolchain, it happens with quite a few packages from time to time (at least on Arch). I've had the same error when building for arm after the big autoreconf PR, some packages have been trying to link against /lib/libgcc which obviously won't work. Enabling autoreconf again fixes most of these, I had to do it for LibreSSL so you can give that a try.


    That looks very useful, perhaps it should be considered for inclusion in LE.

  • escalade, you are correct: enabling autoreconf should fix this issue because I don't see warning anymore with my patch. Seems this should be done for some other packages too (I noticed warnings with libressl, glib, libX11, libdrm, alsa-lib, and few others).
    And yes, this patch will be PR-ed. First I need to build all projects to confirm they at least build.