failed to start xorg

  • Hi, me again, it seems I now have a codec issue, when I try to play a movie or live TV I get a flashing green screen and no sound. I think maybe there are no codecs installed on the nightly build?

    ps. any idea when the next stable release of LE might happen?

    Edited once, last by keka1234: Merged a post created by keka1234 into this post. (January 21, 2022 at 10:57 PM).

  • a shot in the dark:

    when a free-to-air channel is running:

    - press enter- key

    - move to the most right icon (a gear wheel)

    - press enter

    - play with:

    * "select resolution" => adjust to something your monitor supports

    * "Video setting" => DeInterlace Mode (OFF ?)


    I've seen this issue too with one (?) channel (german, servus-tv) 2-3 nightlies back.

    ~time frame~: when I played with "DRM Prime" and Monitor settings.

    a for 3-4 times pulsing green screen followed by a crash and a kodi (?) restart to the home screen.

    maybe this is important: servus-tv's video stream is 1920x1088i

    other HD channels are: 1280x720p and were fine

    I'm unsure if I've seen the green issue with SD channels too (Vox, n-tv*)

  • Thanks, have tried your suggestions and some of the settings, I managed to get video by turning off "Hardware Acceleration" however the audio squeels very loud, I set "pass through" and it worked sometimes. I still think it is a codec issue in the nightly build. The build I used was dated 19 Jan, will now try the most recent build 22nd.

    Any idea when the next stable release will occur? This is all to do with the new Intel GPU in the processor chip I have just purchased?

  • I'm having the same problem in October with the latest V10. I just bought a Beelink U59, 16GB/500GB SSD, that has Intel UHD Graphics. I should note 2 things, I H-A-T-E Windows and I'm less than a lowly n00b when it comes to Linux so pretty much all the responses I read are over my head. Comments like "the fix is in the nightlys" you might as well be speaking an alien language to me. Also, several of the links provided for the "fix" are dead. Can someone please walk me through how to fix this so I don't have to reinstall Windows and find a different HTPC Software that works on Windows.

    EDIT: I should add that I already use Libreelec on (2) Raspberry Pi 4's and the reason I bought the U59 is that even under ideal conditions the RPi's freeze at times in the Movie (NOT heat releated), which isn't a great thing to happen when it's being played for paying customers.

    Edited once, last by DeLindsay: additional information (October 10, 2022 at 12:29 AM).