Stuck in SAFE MODE

  • Hi !

    Several times when i boot my LibreElec machine, i'm stuck in SAFE MODE and need to reboot to work again.

    You can see since my first setup how many times it fails :

    Here is my latest kodi_crash.log.

    As you can see I use the database configuration with an external MariaDB which is still in experimental but i never had any problems with this.

    The MiniPC I use to run LibreElec is H31G.

    If someone finds my problem ?

    Thanks !

  • Nothing stands out, but the most common cause of unexplained crashes is add-ons. So start with a clean install and add things back in small changes until either everything works or you can pinpoint the change that introduces the problem.

  • I will setup a new instance of KODI in a spare disk to check this.

    The only plugin at startup is IPVR Simple Client and TVHeadEnd when they scan channels and guide i guess.

    Nothing stands out, but the most common cause of unexplained crashes is add-ons. So start with a clean install and add things back in small changes until either everything works or you can pinpoint the change that introduces the problem.

  • I setup a new KODI in a new SSD drive and after several on/off I have the same problem without plugins etc ...

    I noticed something when it goes in SAFE MODE at kernel boot :

    When i googled i found this :

    This message can be safely ignored. This occurs due to the Linux Kernel unable to locate any PS/2 controller.

    Do i need to try to set this on boot in the grub ?

    quiet splash nomodeset

    set timeout="0"
    set default="LibreELEC"
    menuentry "LibreELEC" {
            search --set -f /KERNEL
            linux /KERNEL boot=UUID=C9FE-B3B2 disk=UUID=046048be-ef87-4380-b66f-f155274b5c7f quiet splash nomodeset
  • The message that appears on-screen is indeeed harmless and can be ignored. No harm in adding nomodeset to the boot config .. but we don't use grub unless it's a 32-bit BIOS (as indicated by the SYSLINUX header in the pic). Similar place to modify, but not actually grub.

  • I think i found the bug !

    I hadn’t this problem with previous Librelec (<= 9)

    So first i need to explain how i use my LibreElec machine. I use a software for my home automation (Jeedom). When i want to watch TV i just say to my Alexa « zap to channel X ».

    - it triggers a Wake On LAN on my LibreElec machine

    - it tries every second to ping the response of the API on 8080 port

    - when it pings it switches to the desired channel with the API

    The problem was i guess the « hammering » every second.

    I change this to try every 5 sc after 25 sc of booting and now it takes maybe fewer seconds to switch the channel after booting, but it does not reboot in Safe Mode anymore.

    So is there something new with the LAN interface and the API in this new version ?

    Thanks for the support :)