I use LE Generic.x86_64 10.0.1, motherboard Asus E35M1-I, and IR remote Philips SRM5100/10
# dsmeg: http://ix.io/3H4y
If I start LE with the ir-receiver plugged, it doesn't work.
# lsusb: http://ix.io/3H4C
# ir-keytable: No devices found
If I unplugged it and plugs it back then it works fine.
# lsusb: http://ix.io/3H4G
# dmesg: http://ix.io/3H4J
# ir-keytable:
Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ with:
Name: Media Center Ed. eHome Infrared Remote Transceiver (0471:060c)
Driver: mceusb
Default keymap: rc-rc6-mce
Input device: /dev/input/event11
LIRC device: /dev/lirc0
Supported kernel protocols: lirc rc-5 rc-5-sz jvc sony nec sanyo mce_kbd rc-6 sharp xmp imon rc-mm
Enabled kernel protocols: lirc rc-6
bus: 3, vendor/product: 0471:060c, version: 0x0101
I need help to configure my ir-receiver to boot properly with the system. Thanks