I have been running multiple instances on LibreElec on my Raspberry Pis throughout the house ever since I remember, however this is first time I am trying to get it to work through Wi-Fi rather than through ethernet cable.
My rPI4 is now attached to a TV that is nowhere ethernet socket, so I need to find another solution. I took my Pi out of the case to maximise antenna's reception however when attempting to stream videos via Wi-Fi, I can't get anything with bitrate more than 8-10Mbps to stream smoothly off my NAS. I believe that Pi4's built-in Wi-Fi is just not capable of doing it. Definitely not a problem with my house's Wi-Fi setup (Cisco 3802 with vWLC).
So my question to you is, is there any magic I can do to my Pi to improve its Wi-Fi performance, do I need to buy external USB Wi-Fi adapter, or should I give up on wireless and just buy powerline adapter? Thoughts?