I'm running LE on a fanless Raspberry Pi 3B and depending on what's happening, I frequently see the RPi's over-temperature symbol (thermometer in the top right hand corner of the screen) appear. I've bought a pair of those cheap small heat sinks to stick on top of the chips, but they come with double-sided tape (which the manufacturer describes as thermal tape but I have my doubts about that) and sticking them on top of the chips has little effect, presumably due to the fact that the double-sided tape acts as a thermal insulator.
Is there anything better that I can use to stick these heat sinks on top of the chips? Lacking a case with integrated heat sinks, I'm pretty much reduced to sticking these little ones on top of the chips with some sort of adhesive, but this tape doesn't really do the job in terms of cooling, I'm afraid.
Suggestions, anyone?
(And yes, I know, forced cooling and better heat sinks would be best, but fan noise and the high costs of cases and/or heat sink contraptions in my neck of the woods make that plan B.)
// FvW