Can't get TV to recognise 7.1 sound

  • Hi

    I have an RPi 4 (Kodi 18.9) plugged directly into my Samsung UE40MU6240 TV via HDMI. TV is connected to Sony STR-DN1050 receiver via HDMI Arc.

    I have been trying to set the TV audio out to Dolby Digital+ but the option is greyed out in the settings. I can play a UHD programme through Amazon Prime and I can select Dolby Digital+ in the TV settings when it is playing but when I go back to Kodi to play a similar programme, the TV switches back to PCM so I think kodi is not outputting the right signal.

    I have tried to enable and disable pass through but it makes no difference. The number of output channels is set to 2.0 and Best Match.

    Any ideas please?

    Edited once, last by caned_monkey (September 22, 2021 at 11:23 AM).

  • The output channels for optical will always be 2.0 as that is all it can do. You can only get multichannel from optical if it is encoded (like Dolby Digital), which is when you would need passthrough.

    I would suggest connecting the Pi through the receiver via HDMI and then connect the TV to the receiver via HDMI. It's a better setup if you can run it that way.

  • I already have the receiver connected via HDMI arc and tried that for audio as well but it makes no difference and besides, it is the signal going into the TV that is the problem, not the one going out.

    Edited once, last by caned_monkey (September 21, 2021 at 4:23 PM).

  • It reads as if you are looping the audio through the TV then to the receiver. Especially with your HDMI arc comment. Connect it as such:

    RPi 4 (Kodi) -> HDMI -> Receiver HDMI input -> HDMI -> TV

    Use the ARC inputs if you have other things connected direct to the TV that you want audio pushed to the receiver.

    Disconnect optical from TV as it won't be needed.

    Make sure your receiver is on before you power up the RPi and start Kodi.

    Set passthrough to HDMI on RPi Kodi. See the Kodi audio quickstart guide for how to configure the settings.

    Don't loop it from the RPi to the Tv then to the receiver. The above will get it direct to the receiver and play it. The limitation is the TV, not the signal.

  • The model receiver you quoted does indicate it can handle 4k input/output through the HDMI repeater block, but at max 8bit. At least the manual I found and read. I couldn't find a manual or listing for your TV.

    I would say try forcing everything down to 1080p just for testing through the receiver.

    I have no experience with raspberry Pi, but I thought I read that audio output might be dependent on which HDMI port you are using (I understand there to be 2x on a Pi 4).

    Someone else will have to tag in here. Good luck.

  • Its supposed to pass through 4k but it doesn't work which is why I'm using the tv instead. I thought this would be a simple solution but now I'm stuck between choosing either 4k or 7.1 sound.

    It cant be both the tv and the receiver that claim to be able to do things that they cant. It has to be RPi and some settings that need changing.

  • What 7.1 DD+ sources on your Pi are you playing?

    You won't get PCM 7.1/FLAC 7.1/Dolby True HD 7.1/DTS HD MA 7.1 audio from the Pi to your AVR over an optical cable.

    The only 7.1 codec that is just about potentially supported via that route is DD+ 7.1 (and possibly 6.1 DTS ES which is very rare) - which isn't that widespread. Kodi will transcode other codecs to 5.1 DD, but not 7.1 DD+.

    Also - what other 7.1 HDMI sources have you successfully passed through via HDMI to your TV and then via optical to your AVR? Internal streaming apps on your TV don't count in the same way - as they aren't using the HDMI route.

  • I am playing .mkv files. Some are DD+ others Dolby True Hd and as I've already said it doesn't work through HDMI either.

    I have a gaming pc plugged directly into the TV which displays in 4k and gives 7.1 sound.

    If i plug the pi into the receiver, I get 7.1 sound but no 4k. If I plug it into the TV, I get 4k but no 7.1.

  • I am playing .mkv files. Some are DD+ others Dolby True Hd and as I've already said it doesn't work through HDMI either.

    I have a gaming pc plugged directly into the TV which displays in 4k and gives 7.1 sound.

    If i plug the pi into the receiver, I get 7.1 sound but no 4k. If I plug it into the TV, I get 4k but no 7.1.

    Sorry - I thought in your earlier post you said you were using Optical from your TV to your AVR - not ARC?

    However ARC can't carry True HD, PCM 7.1 etc. (it's limited to PCM 2.0, DD, DTS and in some implementations DD+) - only eARC (introduced much later than your AVR) can do HD Audio.

    Can you clarify how you are getting True HD?