Help with DDNS

  • I am trying to figure out an easy way to remotely access my LE box.

    I saw Inadyn in the repo. So I signed up at for an account. So now I have as the domain.

    In the addon configuration I select [email protected] as the provider

    For username I use the email address I signed up with, password is the token, alias is the domain without which is 'xyz'. SSL is turned on and I save the settings. My webserver is at port 8080. So if I type at the browser I cant get the web interface. I tried forwarding the port too.

    Btw once the connection goes through, how does one access the shares on the iBox and copy to/ from the box etc. Do I need to run a FTP server?

  • Sorry for the interference.

    I also try to use in the Inadyn addon. I signed up to and I have as my url for my network ip.

    In the addon configuration I select [email protected] as the provider and put my account and password. In the alias place I put '' and save all.

    However, when my network ip is changing, the ip that my url refer to is my old ip. (it is seen that the Inadyn didn't update my ip).

    What I do wrong ?

    In addition, how can I define how often the addon will update the IP ?

  • extremeaudio

    DDNS is simply a way to update a DNS name with your external IP address. It does not in any way expose any services for you. You would need to forward ports to the service you like to use externally, which isn't recommended because of obvious security concerns. If your router has some kind of VPN server that would be a better option.

  • I'm using inadyn 2.0 with Libreelec 7 (one comunity build for S905 devices)

    The configuration of the addon looks ok.

    Jan 09 22:54:02 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Starting inadyn...
    Jan 09 22:54:02 LibreELEC inadyn[3002]: [[0;1;39mIn-a-dyn version 2.0 -- Dynamic DNS update client.[[0m
    Jan 09 22:54:02 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Started inadyn.
    Jan 09 22:54:02 LibreELEC inadyn[3002]: Cached IP# for [myuser] from previous invocation.
    Jan 09 22:54:02 LibreELEC inadyn[3002]: Last update of [myuser] on Mon Jan  9 22:46:06 2017
    Jan 09 22:54:02 LibreELEC inadyn[3002]: Checking for IP# change, connecting to
    Jan 09 22:54:03 LibreELEC inadyn[3002]: No IP# change detected for [email protected], still at

    I have opened in my router the port 9091 and the web server is runing (I see it using the local ip 192.168.1.x)

    If I go to [myuser] I see my router... I don't know why. I haven't exposed the port 80.

    I have tried [myuser] and but not works.

    Free Dynamic DNS - Managed DNS - Managed Email - Domain Registration - No-IP has a web page to check if one specific port is open, 9091 looks fine.

    Any idea about why I can't access to my LibreElec device using :9091?

  • Id the port forwarded to the local ip address of your device?

    What are you wanting to reach at Port 9091?

    I have tested the ports with for example Open Port Check Tool - Test Port Forwarding on Your Router

    I have opened also the port 8080 to check the Kodi GUI, with the same results, connection refused. 9091 is another web server that is running fine if I check it from the local ip.

    I'm very confused, looks like all request goes to my router and not are redirected to the local ip.

    I think that not is an addon problem... maybe something wrong in my router.

    Fixed. Was a limitation of the firmware. It's a re-branded router provided by my ISP. After flash it with the original DLINK firmware, works as expected.

    Edited once, last by CGarces (January 15, 2017 at 8:13 PM).

  • Hi,

    I'm after a solution as such. I enabled the addon via kodi interface. Configured my no-ip details, yet it doesnt seem to be working :(

    Feb 03 19:28:02 yorkmusicsystem systemd[1]: Starting inadyn...
    Feb 03 19:28:02 yorkmusicsystem systemd[1]: Started inadyn.
    Feb 03 19:28:04 yorkmusicsystem systemd[1]: Stopped inadyn.
    Feb 03 19:28:06 yorkmusicsystem systemd[1]: Starting inadyn...
    Feb 03 19:28:06 yorkmusicsystem systemd[1]: Started inadyn.

    Do I need to configure anything else?


  • Hi,

    I'm after a solution as such. I enabled the addon via kodi interface. Configured my no-ip details, yet it doesnt seem to be working :(

    Feb 03 19:28:02 yorkmusicsystem systemd[1]: Starting inadyn...
    Feb 03 19:28:02 yorkmusicsystem systemd[1]: Started inadyn.
    Feb 03 19:28:04 yorkmusicsystem systemd[1]: Stopped inadyn.
    Feb 03 19:28:06 yorkmusicsystem systemd[1]: Starting inadyn...
    Feb 03 19:28:06 yorkmusicsystem systemd[1]: Started inadyn.

    Do I need to configure anything else?


    Could there be a typo in your settings?
    To view the log, type the following command at the console: journalctl -u service.system.inadyn.

    I hope this helps.

  • Thanks for the reply

    Maybe I got the wrong idea. I have a Rpi3 with librelec, connected to my wireless router on 192.168... I wanted to enable this plugin to update my public IP on account.

    So I enabled the addon via kodi interface. Entered my username/password, disabled ssl and saved.

    But doesn't seem to be working. output above is from ' journalctl -u service.system.inadyn' :(


  • Thanks for the reply

    Maybe I got the wrong idea. I have a Rpi3 with librelec, connected to my wireless router on 192.168... I wanted to enable this plugin to update my public IP on account.

    So I enabled the addon via kodi interface. Entered my username/password, disabled ssl and saved.

    But doesn't seem to be working. output above is from ' journalctl -u service.system.inadyn' :(


    Weird. Enable ssl?