National symbols in the console and Kodi

  • Hi!

    I recently added a network driver for Odroid H2+ to LibreELEC 9.2 with your help.

    LibreELEC works well. But i see that some characters from the national alphabet are not displayed correctly.

    This happens both in the console and in the Kodi itself.

    For example, I attached some screenshots.

    How can this problem be fixed?

    Thanks in advance


  • Try switching Kodi's default GUI font to Arial, it contains more special characters.

    No effect.

    Maybe someone knows which fonts need to be changed in the source codes before building, so that there are no such problems in both the console and Kodi.

  • IIRC you will need to place a Font that contains the appropriate symbols into /storage/.kodi/userdata/Fonts/ and then select the font in the Kodi GUI. If you think it should be a permanent thing, open up a bug report in the Kodi forums and as their devs to add the missing symbols for whatever language it is (you didn't say) to the default Estuary font; and then we will pick up the inclusion in a future release.

  • It looks more like file names in wrong encoding and not font problem.

    MC displays characters as question marks, if encoding is correct, but symbols are not recognized.

    Edited 2 times, last by tokul (May 16, 2021 at 10:08 AM).

  • Semiotik
    April 7, 2021 at 8:26 AM

    may help

  • So it's a skin problem. Nice :)

    It is not. Screenshots in Georgian problem show display with symbols that UI can't display. Original post shows screenshot of Russian that can't get symbol length in bytes right. There is no evidence that data is encoded properly.

    "Рыцари справедливости" is "Рыцари справедливости" when utf-8 text is treated as windows-1251.

    In X window your fonts are not running in specific encodings. They have symbols matching specific Unicode set of characters. Having correct font won't help, if application does not know correct symbol that it should display.

    Georgian problem needs fonts with Georgian character support (Unicode Range "Georgian" 0x10A0 to 0x10FF). This problem needs to read Russian characters properly.

    Edited 2 times, last by tokul (May 16, 2021 at 4:09 PM).

  • Your file system is mounted with wrong encoding parameter or filenames are already borked there.

    If information is coming from media info, you have messed up media comments/details.

    I've install LibreELEC 9.2.6 on to VMWare virtual machine from LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.2.6.ova file. Nothing modified.

    After this i've install Locale addon and set UTF8.ru_RU locale. The result can be seen on the screenshots. The third screenshot was made with Arial fonts set in the skin settings.

    Perhaps still, not all fonts in the LibreELEC contain symbols to UTF8.ru_RU locale?


  • I've install LibreELEC 9.2.6 on to VMWare virtual machine from LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.2.6.ova file. Nothing modified.

    After this i've install Locale addon and set UTF8.ru_RU locale. The result can be seen on the screenshots. The third screenshot was made with Arial fonts set in the skin settings.

    Perhaps still, not all fonts in the LibreELEC contain symbols to UTF8.ru_RU locale?


    In order to see "Рыцари справедливости" as name of your movie, environment should

    1. Have "Рыцари справедливости.mp4" file on file system written in utf-8

    2. Run filename through windows-1251 to utf-8 converter

    3. Display converted output in UTF-8 UI.

    That's only one of the ways for breaking it. Step 1 and 2 can be done other way by writing file with wrong name into file system.

    I got "На Дерибасовской..." file on generic x86_64 9.2.6 libreelec and it is displayed correctly in ls or GUI. MC displays these characters as question marks, but it does calculate byte length for every ? properly.

    Check how you can see those files in ls command output in ssh client that is running in UTF-8. You have to check what you got on your file system before starting to debug MC or Kodi.

    Edited once, last by tokul (May 17, 2021 at 2:54 PM).

  • Check how you can see those files in ls command output in ssh client that is running in UTF-8. You have to check what you got on your file system before starting to debug MC or Kodi.

    Thanks for reply!

    I've made screenshots with output ls in ssh and that show mc on same files. I also looked at these files in the GUI File Manager.

    It turns out that only mc and addon are to blame for the wrong output of symbols.

    That's right?


  • I verified this addon in the Kodi 18.9 on Ubuntu 18.04 and Android 9.0.

    Nowhere I saw a same problem with fonts as the LibreELEC (see screenshots).

    I changed skins for Kodi in LibreELEC - the result remained the same.

    Apparently, the problem in the LibreELEC.

    How can i fix it?

    Screenshots from Kodi 18.9 on Ubuntu 18.04

  • I found a part solve of my problem.

    The problems are really not in fonts, but in the applications themselves.

    In the addon, I changed the encoding functions and part of the data began to be displayed correctly (i'm still working on showing file names correctly).

    mc i replaced with mc working with Cyrillic. It did not work correctly, but it became clear to me that mc from LibreELEC needs to be rebuild with the right options. This will be my next question if i don't find enough information.
