Legacy v9.2 (LTS) builds for Amlogic S805/S8X2, S905/S912 and all WeTek boxes

  • Hi dtech,

    I have two M8S - one running Ubuntu Armbian & other Libreelec (balbes150) - both boots from USB flash drive using multiboot.

    On 1st you clearly mentioned that for S812 tvbox, "S805 and S8X2 devices can only be booted from an SD card".

    Means USB flash drive boot not possible with your image.

    I tried your image from USB and do not boot from USB or SD card - because of Multiboot.

    However, If I remove multiboot, by using your image on SD card & toothpick holding, it boots from SD card. Works good. I don'thave to use toothpick from 2nd boot. It boots from SD card.

    I want to use your new docker support. My both M8S boxes, after few minutes (3 to 10 min.) randomly removed SD card on and off. Afterwards, I can not store or read from SD card. It's for any image not only yours. Even if I boot into Android, SD card removed message always comes. I have tried at least 10 different SD cards (good brand), same results.

    Is it possible to make your image compatible to Multiboot?

    If I use your image with first time toothpick, it does not boot balbes150 image or Ubuntu image.

    Thanks in advanced.

  • ... it looks like the same "search for boot files" stuff used everywhere.

    I'd still appreciate some links, because many of the developers building S8X2 on the old BSP kernel have simply deleted their GitHub repos. (Demetris, balbes150, etc.)

    By the way, if these are really the affected files, then I indicate that I removed them because none of my boxes were able to boot from USB (omitted u-boot function?), despite the above scripts. For this reason, I deleted them, and only the aml_autoscript remained, without the USB boot option, because the original 3-script solution increased the start of the boxes by about 10 seconds, and this was unacceptable to me.

    MakaaiD Please try these boot scripts with my image: https://libreelec.dtech.hu/.upload/s8x2-old-bootscripts.zip
    Of course, the toothpick method will be necessary again to load them.

  • Oleg (balbes150) was the original creator of the multiboot approach, hence LE/Armbian use it, but the scripts have been adapted over time for many varieties of hardware. From S905 onwards the vendor u-boot environment is quite consistent, but before that time things are more "open to interpretation" among clone-box vendors and you'll find more devices that don't work with our scripts. I'm not aware of any specific repo's that would be useful these days. There are likely forks of Oleg's repo in GitHub, but I would have no idea how to find/spot them among all the others.

  • Sorry dtech, I was away & had no access to read the forum & replies from you and chewitt.

    I will try yours bootscrips & posts result. If does not work, I will upload old image I have with me.

    I really want to use docker support.

    Thanks again dtech and chewitt

  • Good new dtech,

    My M8S boots with files you provided.

    LibreELEC-Universal_n200_2G.arm- used for flashing USB drive.

    From your attachment, unzipped 3 files in root folder ( aml_autoscript file replaced ) of USB & booted straight from USB flash-drive. I already had multiboot activated from previous installed so I do NOT have to use toothpick first time.

    Koodi works fine. Everything works - IR remote, bluetooth, ethernet & WIFi (2.4G & 5G), 2Gb ram (Shows 1524 MB). Also triangle blue light on and off works.

    Thanks dtech & chewitt... Please keep the great work...

    Now, next is docker. I have to still work on it & will post results in next day or so.

    Edited once, last by MakaaiD (December 18, 2024 at 3:47 PM).

  • From your attachment, unzipped 3 files in root folder ( aml_autoscript file replaced ) of USB & booted straight from USB flash-drive. I already had multiboot activated from previous installed so I do NOT have to use toothpick first time.

    Thanks for the test, maybe I will restore these boot scripts on the 3rdParty k200 and n200 images.


    In the meantime, I tested it and now it works for me too, but whether I boot from USB (or not), it causes +10 seconds in the boot time, which I think is too much. With the current script, the time elapsed until the LibreELEC logo appeared on the M8S+ from power-on was 14 seconds, with the restored multiboot scripts it was 24 seconds.

    Basically, I don't know how many people would use USB boot, but I'm strongly thinking about reworking these bootscripts because I don't want to restore them in their current state.

  • I have not noticed any boot time change between USB boot (multiboot) and SDcard only boot.

    Normally, once boot, I always keep it on or on standby mode & use remote to wake-up.

    In this build, power-off have only 3 option (power off, custom shutdown & restart), don't have 4th option for suspend (sleep). I had to override in setting - power saving - Force suspend instead of poweroff .

    I installed docket but how to install portainer? It's not in add-on. Needs to use CLI?

    Basically, I don't know how many people would use USB boot, but I'm strongly thinking about reworking these bootscripts because I don't want to restore them in their current state.

    some how, mine SD card keeps removing by it self & I need USB for sure. However, USB has advantage of fast & space with $ point of view.

    Edited once, last by MakaaiD: Merged a post created by MakaaiD into this post. (December 18, 2024 at 3:33 PM).

  • I have not noticed any boot time change between USB boot (multiboot) and SDcard only boot.

    Unfortunately, I don't know what boot scripts you actually use, since you said you didn't use the toothpick method again. The boot order may also be different, so the information is unfortunately not relevant.

    By the way, it might be device specific, but for me it takes 10 seconds for the USB ports to be scanned, which is a lot for me.

    Normally, once boot, I always keep it on or on standby mode & use remote to wake-up.

    In this build, power-off have only 3 option (power off, custom shutdown & restart), don't have 4th option for suspend (sleep). I had to override in setting - power saving - Force suspend instead of poweroff .

    For many devices, standby mode is not the default or is not available at all. This is also a uboot-specific property defined by the manufacturer. (By the way, this "Force suspend instead of poweroff" is only available in my builds, because it's my own solution.)

    And, if someone boots from an internal NAND/eMMC, they always have to wait to scan the USB unnecessarily. And, since many people can't even use the suspend option, every start will take forever. This is not good, so we need an intermediate solution that is acceptable to everyone, and I am currently working on this.

    The original 3-script solution is unnecessarily overcomplicated. I'm currently testing the single-script solution and I introduced a small modification, so the USB boot is inactive by default, but it can be simply activated by an fw_setenv enableusbboot 1 command.

    I installed docket but how to install portainer? It's not in add-on. Needs to use CLI?

    It is recommended to use the CLI, but there are many places describing how to use it, so I don't want to write complex documentation for this.

    mkdir /storage/.config/dockers
    docker run \
     --name=portainer \
     --restart unless-stopped \
     -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
     -v /storage/.config/dockers/portainer/data:/data \
     -p 9000:9000 \
     -d portainer/portainer-ce
  • It is recommended to use the CLI, but there are many places describing how to use it, so I don't want to write complex documentation for this.

    mkdir /storage/.config/dockers
    docker run \
     --name=portainer \
     --restart unless-stopped \
     -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
     -v /storage/.config/dockers/portainer/data:/data \
     -p 9000:9000 \
     -d portainer/portainer-ce

    Thanks dtech,

    It worked... Great. I appreciate your help.

  • I am writing this to say big Thank You to dtech and everybody else who is involved in maintaining these legacy builds.

    I just flashed "LibreELEC" posted on the first page to my 6 years old no-name S912 box (Nexbox A1 clone). It worked flawlessly even without needing to change dtb file. Kodi recognized both WiFi and bluetooth built into this unit.

    Its amazing to use a 2025 LE build on a 6+ years old hardware which can use hardware acceleration where my Odroid N2+ cannot.

    edit: Ethernet did not work with provided dtb so I switched it with gxm_q200_2g.dtb and now Ethernet works as well.

    Edited 4 times, last by raindrop: Change dsecription (February 21, 2025 at 7:00 AM).

  • Hello all,

    I am running latest 'LibreELEC' file on a Nexbox A1 clone device (S912/gxm_q200_2g). Everything including LAN & bluetooth is working ok after this fresh clean install but I am having trouble configuring IR remote with this device. I am not sure this is right thread for IR remote questions so plz move this question to appropriate section:

    I read the LibreELEC wiki on IR remotes, but my issue is not addressed there. I have taken following steps so far:

    I logged-in via SSH and issued following commands with results:

    LibreELEC:~ # ir-keytable
    /sys/class/rc/: No such file or directory
    No devices found

    Another attempt to check current keytable went like this:

    ibreELEC:~ # ir-keytable -r
    /sys/class/rc/: No such file or directory
    No devices found   

    An attempt to test ir-keytable went like this:

    LibreELEC:~ # LibreELEC:~ # ir-keytable -c -w /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps/odroid
    -sh: LibreELEC:~: not found

    Another try to load preconfigured odroid keytable file which came with the system:

    LibreELEC:~ # LibreELEC:~ # ir-keytable -c -w /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps/odroid
    -sh: LibreELEC:~: not found

    I do have keymaps file that I downloaded from internet. I placed the file in /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/ location and edited the /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg file. However when I issued ir-keytable -a /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg command, I got following error:

     /sys/class/rc/: No such file or directory

    From other posts I learnt to look for 'lircd.conf' file in '/storage/.config/' directory. However I do not see an 'lircd.conf' file in that locaiton.

    So from reading wiki, it appears that lircd protocol is not running and no IR receiver driver is loaded. Is there a fix for this situation?

    Edited 3 times, last by raindrop (February 21, 2025 at 7:28 AM).

  • On my legacy amlogic images, only the amremote format is supported, so you need a compatible remote.conf file.

    I only found one "in theory" match for yours, so I don't know if it will work.

    Please download the attached file, extract its content, and place it here: /storage/.config/, then restart your box.

    Don't be confused by the file name, the remote control of the A1 and the A95X are identical.