Rpi 4 B Audio Stutter

  • I had a look at your latest log. It says you are using dtsHD:

    2021-02-16 16:10:06.544 T:473310064    INFO: CAEStreamParser::SyncDTS - dtsHD (core) stream detected (6 channels, 48000Hz, 16bit BE, period: 512, syncword: 0x41a29547, target rate: 0x18, framesize 2080))

    Because HD audio isn't highly optimized on LE yet, I think you have to wait for an LE update with better HD audio implementation. Keep using the latest LE nightly, if you wish.

    If you re-rip to a non-HD audio format, it could solve it.

  • I had a look at your latest log. It says you are using dtsHD:

    2021-02-16 16:10:06.544 T:473310064    INFO: CAEStreamParser::SyncDTS - dtsHD (core) stream detected (6 channels, 48000Hz, 16bit BE, period: 512, syncword: 0x41a29547, target rate: 0x18, framesize 2080))

    Because HD audio isn't highly optimized on LE yet, I think you have to wait for an LE update with better HD audio implementation. Keep using the latest LE nightly, if you wish.

    If you re-rip to a non-HD audio format, it could solve it.

    I tried the nightly a few days ago with DTS-HD Master and still got the stutter. Should I try the latest nightly and implment forceturbo and the advancedsettigs.xml settings you recommended and see if that works?

  • I think your changes at config.txt and advancedsettings.xml don't solve the problem, so I suggest to remove both.

    You have two choices now:

    a) Update to the latest LE nightly as often as you can, and hope for HD audio improvements.

    b) Re-rip your videos to non-HD audio.

    Understood. Thank you.

    Can I just delete advancedsettings.xml with no problem?

  • I wanted to give an update and pose a question. I have been using nightlies and on Star Trek: Enterprise MKVs barely experience any stuttering now running DTS HD.

    Here’s what is odd. I was watching the film Patton with the 02/25/2021 nightly with DTS HD Master from a MKV file on my hard drive enclosure and got several stutters and video slow down. I switched the audio track to regular DTS and Dobly Digital and still continued to get stuttering. I was under the impression that using those tracks would help and it hasn’t worked. Do I have to disable DTS HD MASTER in the passthrough settings as well to see an improvement?

    I did try to modify advanced settings and force turbo in the 02/21/21 nightly, as I did before with other builds, and it actually made it where KODI would only play one chosen video then all other videos chosen after that one would fail to play. You had to reboot to fix this. I changed everything back and that behavior stopped.

  • In case you are using large directories with Samba, add this to advancedsettings.xml (inside <advancedsettings> tag):

        <statfiles>false</statfiles>  <!-- speed up listings of large directories -->

    Thanks. This is all coming off my USB 3.0 Hard Drive enclosure. We tested a MKV on a USB jump drive and it stuttered as well, so I don't think this is a drive issue. I don't use network shares to watch media. Too slow for me.

  • Sorry, I was irritated by your initial post, where you said, Samba is active.

    Can you replace your USB cable by a better one? If I remember right, that was the fix for some users.

    I can do that and sorry Samba is on, but I don't use it for media sharing. I am going to test my actual HTPC today and see if it stutters as well. That should tell me more.

    Just for clarification, do you think everything should have been resoloved once I switched the audio tracks to DTS standard and also Dolby Digital? Do I have to disable DTS HD MASTER in the passthrough settings as well?

    Edited 2 times, last by Matthewlawson3 (February 26, 2021 at 4:54 PM).

  • Sorry, I was irritated by your initial post, where you said, Samba is active.

    Can you replace your USB cable by a better one? If I remember right, that was the fix for some users.

    I tested the Patton film with my actual HTPC running an old version of KODI (Krypton) and the exact same cables (except for HDMI to HDMI instead of HDMI to Micro HDMI) and hard drive enclosure. Besides a .5 second glitch where the video went to black then quickly reappeared I did not experience any stutter or audio cut out at all. Video played fine. This was playing in standard DTS.

    On the PI last night, I switched audio tracks from DTS-HD Master to DTS standard and Dolby Digital and it continued to stutter regardless of the track. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot.

  • I've had this stuttering happen now in the menus. Again just plain old stereo hdmi out.

    I had the core locked to the max speed using:

    echo "performance" >/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

    Video is fine, it's just the audio.

  • I can confirm this issue still exists on my 90% videos that I have on my hard drive and they have dts, Dolby Digital, dts hd audio , I am using libreelev 9.96.2 10. Are there any known solutions ?

  • Post a debug log. Can you provide a sample file that has the issue?

    (or confirm if one of these has it: ¦› DTS Demo Trailers HD and SD - List of All Downloads)

    I will post the log on Monday due to I am far away from my rp4 right now , but keep in mind that all videos work fine with any sound but if I watch a movie , after 30-40 mins of playback, the audio stutter begins slowly to appear and after 5 mins of the beginning of the audio stutter the movie is unwatchable and the only way to fix it is either reboot the device or stop the movie and start it again and that is happening with all audio formats with files that are longer than 35-40 minutes . And also the debug log is the kodi log? If not how can I post a debug log , thank you, I am looking forward to your response

    P.S, this wasn't happening when I was using libreelec based in kodi 18.9 and I am using the libreelec based in kodi 19 with a fresh install