RPi4 testbuild with HDR support

  • Apparently Kodi doesn't like TS files. Samsung Wonderland Two HDR UHD 4K Demo.ts is exactly what I downloaded. Played it directly on my TV using VLC and it looked pretty good (the TV says HDR is enabled).

    Kodi starts the video, but doesn't play it (it's stuck on the first frame). As of now it's frozen up. Kodi doesn't react to remote control inputs nor SSH. Debug is enable any none of the numbers are changing. The frame doesn't look the same as on the TV though. Seems "washed out" a bit.

  • Apparently Kodi doesn't like TS files. Samsung Wonderland Two HDR UHD 4K Demo.ts is exactly what I downloaded. Played it directly on my TV using VLC and it looked pretty good (the TV says HDR is enabled).

    Kodi starts the video, but doesn't play it (it's stuck on the first frame). As of now it's frozen up. Kodi doesn't react to remote control inputs nor SSH. Debug is enable any none of the numbers are changing. The frame doesn't look the same as on the TV though. Seems "washed out" a bit.

    The freezing with wonderland two is a bug we fixed in the latest test build - if you are still on the one from the first post please update to the latest one RE: RPi4 testbuild with HDR support

    BTW: it'd be awesome if someone else (with different TVs/players) could compare playback of this video with these testbuilds and internal TV player / BR player/... and report back if they are looking identical or not.

    so long,


  • Alrigh I found out something! When I set the image settings on the TV to default, the test video on Kodi becomes almost identical to the one on the TV. Does not apply to my own videos. The movie still looks very different from Plex. I'll create a quick sample and PM it to you.

    Edit: Can you start a conversation with me? I cannot send you the links as I can't start a convo

    Edited once, last by AriaTwoFive (February 13, 2021 at 12:29 AM).

  • Hmm, this sounds more like a TV settings issue than an issue with the RPi (or these testbuilds) to me now.

    I'll cross-check Samsung wonderland two on my LG OLED 55C8 tomorrow. Cross-checks from other users are highly appreciated, too, of course!

    so long,


  • Hm Either the TV or something with the files. I wish the plex addon was working on LE 9.8. Is there any other player on the addon store I can use to try out? Like VLC?

    It's surprising that none of the movies work properly with HDR in the RPI, but the Samsung test file does.

  • AriaTwoFive I had a look at the Mad Max Fury Road sample you sent me, that UHD BluRay is well known for it's rather insane MaxCLL/MaxFALL values (10k/3k), I added some additional debugging to the kernel driver and the dynamic range infoframe seems to be fine, matching the values reported by mediainfo (note that color primaries and min mastering luminance are raw, not scaled in dmesg output)

    [  138.881105] [drm] DRM infoframe: header 87  1 1a 93
    [  138.881105] EOTF 2 metadata type 0
    [  138.881105] x0 34000 y0 16000 x1 13250 y1 34500 x2 7500 y2 3000
    [  138.881105] white point x 15635 y 16450
    [  138.881105] display mastering luminance max 4000 min 50
    [  138.881105] maxCLL 9918 maxFALL 3241
    Mastering display color primaries        : Display P3
    Mastering display luminance              : min: 0.0050 cd/m2, max: 4000 cd/m2
    Maximum Content Light Level              : 9918 cd/m2
    Maximum Frame-Average Light Level        : 3241 cd/m2

    Do you have any other (external) players except the plex and vlc of your TV? Some players won't properly transmit maxCLL/maxFALL (eg AppleTV has or at least had that issue) so it could well be that the player you are comparing with is handling it wrong.

    The Mad Max sample looked a bit dark, but that's what I expect from a video with 10k/3k mastering when played back on a TV with about 1k max nits.

    so long,


  • Hi, sorry if it's irrelevant but how can I install the 4k hdr image on libreelec 9.2.6 without losing any data (like addons) all my addons are supported on matrix /they support python 3 because I asked their developer) but I don't know how to uptade without losing data (I only know how to uotad eby switching channels in the libreelec settings ) if anyone could help it would be very appreciated, thanks

  • HiassofT I do not. Only the TV and RPIs. Other than that, there is only a PS3. I could use my OnePlus 8, but it only has a resolution of 2400 x 1080.

    I tried a few other files as well (Avengers, Harry Potter), all with the same issue. There is definetly a visible color difference. It's not that much, but when you compare it's clearly visible.

  • Hi, sorry if it's irrelevant but how can I install the 4k hdr image on libreelec 9.2.6 without losing any data (like addons) all my addons are supported on matrix /they support python 3 because I asked their developer) but I don't know how to uptade without losing data (I only know how to uotad eby switching channels in the libreelec settings ) if anyone could help it would be very appreciated, thanks

    You will not "lose data" by updating, and if there are Matrix compatible versions of your add-ons in the Kodi repo they will update automatically the first time Matrix runs. Any incompatible add-ons will be disabled automatically to prevent issues.

  • Can I send you a file to test whether you see a difference in Android VS. Rpi?

    yes, after watching ariatwofives two samples I can also see the difference now, especially on the colour of the sand on sample001, which is more greyish on rpi4

    Less red on rpi4 says wife.

    Edited once, last by marantz (February 14, 2021 at 11:43 AM).

  • You will not "lose data" by updating, and if there are Matrix compatible versions of your add-ons in the Kodi repo they will update automatically the first time Matrix runs. Any incompatible add-ons will be disabled automatically to prevent issues.

    But how do I uptade manually with the test image to libreelec 9.2.6 because I am a beginner, are there any tutorials?