Use lirc.conf files on S905 builds

  • Hi

    I want to use the Samsung TV remote on my S905x device.

    The TV not support CEC so I need to deal with LIRC

    On my RPi was very easy, just add a TSOP to GPIO and pick a similar remote from Index of /remotes/samsung amd map some additional buttons.

    But on S905X I don't know how do that. Android remote.conf file look very different than lirc.conf files (maybe due Amlogic IR module).

    Any HOW_TO about how use lirc.conf files with Amlogic IR?

  • My builds don't use LIRC for IR, they use amremote. Recently LE master has switched to LIRC for the WeTek Hub, you can have a look - it needs changes in build system and device tree.

    I'm afraid my builds will keep using amremote instead of LIRC until I find time to write a utility to translate remote.conf to LIRC config. Or someone does it for us. ;)


    I have no idea how one translates to another. :(

    Edited once, last by kszaq (November 3, 2016 at 11:06 AM).

  • My builds don't use LIRC for IR, they use amremote. Recently LE master has switched to LIRC for the WeTek Hub, you can have a look - it needs changes in build system and device tree.

    I'm afraid my builds will keep using amremote instead of LIRC until I find time to write a utility to translate remote.conf to LIRC config. Or someone does it for us. ;)


    I have no idea how one translates to another. :(

    I'll made a PR tomorrow, just for your reference.
    Looks easy to implement but will be useless for normal users, but if works for me and my remote is fine. If you found some info about the translation from remote.conf to LIRC config ping me.

    Edited once, last by CGarces (November 3, 2016 at 12:05 PM).

  • I got a hint from Kwiboo on translating NEC codes to LIRC: Converting Yamaha-NEC infrared codes to LIRC format | nobbin

    why do you want translate the remote code, instead we could manually record amlinux remote signal value into a single lirc.conf file ? i believe it is not that hard to do, someone can do that for a particular device and share it's device lirc.conf for all of us, and you could combine it all into a single lirc.conf, afaik lirc could use more than one protocol, so we could use another unused remote beside nec protocol, cmiiw

    i would be very happy to try your LE with integrated lirc version, of course if you change your mind :)

  • Has anybody managed to configure lirc ?
    According to
    One of the changes in (2016-12-18) is:
    - fixed LIRC in 32-bit builds (thanks to Raybuntu)
    I copied lircd.conf that I use with raspberry pi in
    also tried to manually start lirc but no sucess.
    Anybody has any ideas ?
    I want to use microsoft remote with amlogic libreelec.

  • New user to librelec and wetek hub. I did a restore from my OpenElec config using MCE remote and now the wetek remote doesn't work. Can someone send me the original remote.conf file?

  • No LIRC for generic S905 builds yet.

    That's a shame, as it looks like there is a big LIRC presence in the 7.90b1 build, which seems to be causing, once functional, keys mapped in remote.conf to be ignored. Any suggestion for a workaround?

    (This is a pretty old thread, maybe there is LIRC support now)

    Edited once, last by Poida (January 15, 2017 at 2:12 AM).

  • My builds don't use LIRC for IR, they use amremote. Recently LE master has switched to LIRC for the WeTek Hub, you can have a look - it needs changes in build system and device tree.

    I'm afraid my builds will keep using amremote instead of LIRC until I find time to write a utility to translate remote.conf to LIRC config. Or someone does it for us. ;)


    I have no idea how one translates to another. :(

    Been trying to add my own remote but on keypress i get an error in ssh
    remote: parity check error code=0x3f p30=0xf parity=0x3
    Just wondering if you might have an idea of what it means

    Also if you might know where i could find more info on amremote
