Problem with tethering and iOS 14

  • Hello!

    First I want to apologize for my bad english, but I hope you understand me anyway.

    Since the update from my iPhone iOS 14 I have the problem that I have no internet connection with my Rpi3 and the 9.2.4 and the last version of the tethering driver for iPhone. Before that, everything went without problems. The connection is over the USB-Data-Cable.

    The iPhone shows a connection and and in the Libreelec menu the connection is also shown, but it is only on "Ready" and not "Online".

    Maybe one of you already knows what the problem could be?


    With best regards,


    Edited 4 times, last by murryb: New clean log file (September 23, 2020 at 11:01 PM).

  • What was applicable on the Kodi forum also applies here.

    No naughty add-ons allowed.


    I know that. Thanks for the tip ;) Therefore I removed the link to the log file. I'm going to throw it all away now. I don't need it anyway. But that doesn't change my question.

    I'm going to do a clean installation and see if I can use my cell phone. If not, then I would contact the forum with a clean log file here again.

    Cant delete this posting. Is this now ok?



    Edited once, last by murryb (September 23, 2020 at 11:09 PM).

  • I have same problem. I was using raspberry with libreelec on my car tethering from my iphone and its imposible by now by usb or hotspot. Anybody knows the solution?

    Hello Aaron!

    I have no problems connecting to the Internet with a Wi-Fi hotspot.

    Only with the USB cable there is a problem. And meanwhile I have researched that it generally affects Linux and Apple has made the statement that they have never supported Linux and are not interested in a solution due to the bug caused by Apple.

    But apparently there is a solution:…mment-747160629

    IOS14 USB tethering not working · Issue #1038 · libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice · GitHub…21#251841768021

    Can someone from Libreelec say something about whether this fix can be included in Libreelec?

    With best regards,


  • The fix commit is in Linux 5.10.0 which means LE10 images (e.g. current nightlies) already have it included. There are currently no plans to make another LE9.2 release, but if that should change I've added it to a list of things that might need fixes backporting.