Hello Everyone, I am working on arduino and try to move in raspberry. I am confused for future point on availability and popularity of both arduino and raspberry. As i know Arduino is way cheaper than the Raspberry Pi boards due to limited capabilities. The Arduino boards are generally $20 and above depending on the version, whereas the Pi board will cost you around $35 and above depending on the version. So Can anyone suggest me which one is better arduino or raspberry pi?

Availability and Popularity in Raspberry PI
ankitdixit -
April 16, 2020 at 1:10 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
Which is "better"... Hmm
Raspberry Pi has much more community support worldwide than the Arduino, although the RPi4 has basically a new start because if its different design.
Arduino is a lower level FPGA you need to program with a "direct" interface to the hardware, minimal memory/limited CPU and no real OS to speak of.
RPi is a really cheap PC you can run Linux on which also has a good interface to the hardware if you need it.
I use both - the Arduino for projects where I don't need an OS (sensors, clocks, LED drivers, servo drivers), and RPi where I need all of the complexities offered by the OS. I've also used them together before...
Really if you're asking what the difference is, you should go google "Arduino projects" and see what people are using them for.
Arduino is used by me for peripherals. I have a domotica system in my house with a lot of ESP8266's as temperature/humudity sensors and to read the info from my electricity meter. Previously I tried to use an Arduino Due as a central system, but the lack of a proper operating system made me decide to switch to a NUC. I could have done it with a raspberry pi as well, but my programming skills with Linux and C are not very good, I am a Pascal guy using Delphi. Besides, I have a sort of love/hate relationship with Linux. A year or so ago I was looking for a ready to use solution to replace my media-player and Humax tv unit with a combined system and replaced them by two raspberry pi 3B+'s, one as a central tv server (tuner with recording function) and one as a client to display tv channels from the server and video/photo's from my NAS and play music, also from my NAS. Both are running Libreelec and I never regretted this decision for a second.
Hello Everyone, I am working on arduino and try to move in raspberry. I am confused for future point on availability and popularity of both arduino and raspberry. As i know Arduino is way cheaper than the Raspberry Pi boards due to limited capabilities. The Arduino boards are generally $20 and above depending on the version, whereas the Pi board will cost you around $35 and above depending on the version. So Can anyone suggest me which one is better arduino or raspberry pi?
My response it is not based on the cost, Yes cost is only 0.5%factors because if your familiarity is with arduino than you can or need to be stuck with arduino very board has their own preferences and advantages as Python and PHP has. You can also this blog post for more information or to get the differences between arduino and raspberry pi.
Both are excellent, though more suited for different jobs or users. There are projects which use both working together.
RasPi is a general purpose computer with more programming options and environments - with all the complexity and overhead. It suits people like me who are high-level programmers and don't mind spending a bit more money for the ease and familiarity of a PC environment.
Arduino is more suited to performing specific tasks most efficiently.