Banned from Kodi Forum, unable to contact admin for a reason.

  • As the title says, when I go to the Kodi forum, I see a message saying I am banned. It says to contact the administrator, but nothing I click on the page allows me to do anything.

    I can't even register as a new user. I know this is not the Kodi forum, but I would like a reason.

    If anyone can help I would be grateful.


  • @bubblegum57 - I just checked, and your account there is fully active and not banned.

    As noted above, it will presumably be your IP address which is the issue. Can you post the IP address you are trying to access the forum from, and we can look into whether that is banned or not.

    You've probably inherited an address that was previously used for spam or other similar purposes and has been blacklisted. If that is the case we can look at removing that blacklist entry.

    The other option is to rebooting your router to try and prompt your ISP to assign you a new IP address, which probably won't be blacklisted.

  • To be clear, the blacklisting on the Kodi forum (and on ours here) is handled via forum plugins that provide the blacklist feeds; it's hands-off, no humans are involved in the listing/unlisting. "StopForumSpam" is usually the source.